The T-Pros are much better bikes but also a bit more expensive. But altogether I would say it is worth spending the extra money because a T-Pro will last for a long time as it is a good and strong bike.
Yeah why is there only four and no Hook Woods. Also, just been on the website and it says Street event Newton Abbot Saturday 17th Nov outside Asda 10-4. Sounds fun.
I had a pair of onza citrus pads I brought off tarty for 11 quid. On a smooth rim with a bit of tar they were brilliant. But I think the easyest option would be to grind your rim and get some koxx bloxx browns of something.
Not me but my brother once head butted his handle bars while trying to get up a rock and he bit through his lip and his tooth came out the other side. But nothing a few stitches couldn't sort out.