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lil Jsy Chris

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Everything posted by lil Jsy Chris

  1. Really great video. Amazing riding.
  2. All of them are amazing photos. I love Vincents faces in some of them.
  3. The shoes look very similar to my ribos but still look really good.
  4. Great picures Sam. Riding looks amazing too.
  5. If you are more of a street rider then stay with a maggy but I think that a rear disk is better for natural.
  6. I love that bike. Looks really nice.
  7. Very nice video. Looks like a great place to ride. Well done.
  8. Nice video Tom. Great riding as well. Looking forward to seeing you at the british championships.
  9. Really good rider with a nice style. He's also got a very good place to ride.
  10. That sidehop and the gap are both huge. Cant wait for a vid.
  11. Seen most of them clips before but still a great video. He is such a powerful rider.
  12. Nice pictures mate. Looked like a good ride. Cant wait to be back there, such a fun place to ride.
  13. Seen it so many times but still so funny.
  14. Cheers Adam. You need to come down to Corbier some time and ride. Anyway, see you on Sunday.
  15. Looked like another great trial. Wish I could have been there. Anyway nice pics.
  16. That is huge. Even if it is rolling you need some serious power to do that.
  17. Thanks for all the comments guys Any more?
  18. This is the second part of video. First part was street and this second part is natural which I enjoy more. All coments welcome, enjoy. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=n73IyTGgIbI Chris
  19. I much prefer natural to street. The reason people dont like natural is because they cant ride it as it is generally harder. Also, anyone can ride street but natural takes more skill.
  20. Cheers mate. I get told alot how small I look, I get used to it
  21. Cheers Benjimino. Yeah up for a ride if the weather's good.
  22. Cheers mate. Definitely going back to Addingham this year (hopefully on my own bike) so will hopefully see you there.
  23. Cheers Dom Dom. Your filming was definitely the best in there.
  24. Seen it before but still looks just as bad.
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