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lil Jsy Chris

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Everything posted by lil Jsy Chris

  1. Really well done to Ben there. Equal with Benito really good stuff
  2. Very nice pics first one especially. Ali looks like he is really doing good on that.
  3. Seen them before but still so good. All so amzing and powerful riders
  4. Nice video. Never knew he used to ride a Monty.
  5. Amazing pics Looked like such a good day, and huge gap from Ali.
  6. Awsome video Some huge riding in there as well. Them Atmoz look really nice.
  7. Haha, looks bad. Im sure it would have been quite a laugh though
  8. Love them bikes, not to sure on the black forks though.
  9. Haha, nice pictures. Looked like some pretty good riding as well.
  10. Really good video mate Reminded me how much fun koxx days was.
  11. That is so nice mate. Looks really good
  12. Haha, nice video. Looked like some pretty cool sections back then
  13. Such an amazing rider even back then
  14. Front to backs, took me ages to be able to get a good one.
  15. What an amazing rider, really great to have him signed
  16. Really nice, only ever seen a 20" Trition but that is very nice
  17. Haha, quite a funny bail Thats some bad luck breaking a magura off that bail.
  18. Lucky Would love to be doin them all, anyway see you at the next British
  19. Really like that Black goes very nicely.
  20. Was wondering where Carthy and Crisp were. Good to see them on the team as well
  21. Looks really nice Not to sure about the forks though, still really like it though.
  22. My old bike Looks really good Dom Dom, better than the green. Will never forget when you snapped your bars on that bike
  23. Great video Looked like an amzing day.
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