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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Phil picked up a 944 for us to play with yesterday too! Nice one, get some pics up.
  2. Didn't want to seem like a moaning bitch. The rack is f**ked from my point of view, basically the seals were gone long before I got it. Chances are it has been sat for a long time, and as soon as it started getting use it just gave up. When we fitted it and ran it up it didn't leak, turned it lock to lock with the wheels off the ground to bleed it, but as soon as the wheels were on the ground and it was having to actually work (IE by the time I got it home) it decided that whenever I turn left it wants to drop oil as quickly as I can put it in. I did wonder if it was something we could have done during fitment, but I remember when I got it home and started cleaning it when I pulled the rod ends to count the turns the gaitor was wet. But I assumed it was from where I was cleaning and I must have spilt something on it. Not only that but we never actually touched the tie rods, it was adjusted from the outer track rods because the tie rods were totally seized. Anyway, not to worry. I've got another one now anyway, far cheaper than that one was haha.
  3. It's kind of on the promise to Phil, but you're 2nd in line. The one I got off you/the same guy you got your front ARB developed a terminal leak within 100 miles of fitting, and has cost me 6L of PAS fluid in the last month. And at £8 for 750ml, it ain't been cheap haha. You can have the f**ked one for free, TPS will refurb it for £49+VAT. Just seen this on Facebook... lulwot?
  4. RARB on a Clio makes SUCH a difference. Made mine so much more fun.
  5. The one behind it was just a minging S3 V12 e-type, a bit meh' really. However as you wish - A nice little sprint tucked away Sunbeam Rapier H120 It's a huge place! There are five halls all like that. Motorbikes too Half of the bike I was named after A good day, I hugely suggest anybody who's into proper cars pays it a visit. I went here - Welcome to HIMM It was awesome. Here's some of my highlights of the day - https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1045247_1389010081314169_534301941_n.jpg]/img] This deserves its own little post break...
  6. Got loads of pictures of nice cars, but that is by far my favourite car of all time.
  7. I took these pictures today at the Haynes museum. That's about all I can say on the matter, words escape me when I see cars this beautiful. I spoke to one of the cleaners, he opened it up and let me sit in it and have a look around because I was so in love with it. :'(
  8. The can clearly states "enter Dannys mind", well I can confirm that Danny has just entered my small intestine. A sickening thought. He never signed up for that now did he.
  9. And look up and think..."I know that guy?" Wasn't expecting that to be look at me. Danny Mc has been on my lips. I don't know how I feel about this.
  10. Weirdest photo shoot ever. Strangely mesmerizing though.
  11. Warped discs is my new recommendation as well. The prop issue was more common with Granadas, and that's where I know it from. But they're all the same under the shell.
  12. On the Capri I would be looking at the prop bush, common issue is the prop bush wearing and causing the bulkhead to shake lightly. Turning left may be flexing the car slightly and causing your shake. Is it like a tug at the wheel pulling it to the left, or is it the wheel shaking?
  13. On the landy or the Capri?
  14. Just don't pull away until you have to.
  15. Two days without a post?! Come on lads.
  16. That is literally the way I feel about you guys.
  17. Wow, this page is wheely good...
  18. Just done a deal for these beauties 18x9 VMR Mesh V718's with 700 mile old Rainsport 2's. Picking them up on the 27th, as long as they haven't been kerbed in the three weeks the guy has had them.
  19. I'll copy and paste this from ASN, hope it doesn't upset too many people. - Spamming my way back up to the first page with some pictures. It rained today, and I realised you can't see how bad the bodywork is when it's wet. Win. I also had a play with this - I really really love my chrome grill surround. Not long until I can realise my next stage of superboost. Quite excited really, pay day in 9 days time
  20. Certainly is after driving that! It has got a charge cooled Turbo Technics 215 super charger kit and a gas flowed head. 222bhp, 750kg's 290bh/ton+. Want want want.
  21. I just got given the keys to this. Supercharged S1 Elise, with remote Sachs coilovers and a Janspeed exhaust. My car is so slow
  22. Yep. Mine were immense, they had the two button electric lumbar support but were otherwise manual adjustment. I don't think I have seen a set for sale for years. Mk3 seats will fit won't they? With a little cut and weld of the runner arms?
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