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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. The 8L is, the 8P is bloody epic. Basic modifications will take it to 350bhp, and to be honest there won't be too much that Spunky will come across which will trouble it too much on a real world. The same modifications just make an Edition really hard to drive unless you fit a diff, which is thousands.
  2. I have assessed the situation , after looking at your previous posts I had hoped to view the larger picture before making this statement. You're an utter bellslap. Now if this is just due to a language barrier which is making it difficult for you not to come across as an obnoxious snob then I hugely appologise. However I think it is more than likely a trait of your character. If only we could all see the world in your elitest rose tinted spectacles, I'm sure the world would be a much nicer place.
  3. Exactly. Still better than everyone else though haha.
  4. I don't want it to be open, what a weird thing. I wouldn't even want to drive somewhere like that, with no walls or immediate scenery. The whole something to look at debate is retarded, because you should be looking down the road. Literally cannot comprehend, let alone begin to explain how utterly ridiculous I find the concept of driving with no hedges or walls. The thought of hitting a tree and dieting is the only thing that stops me driving as fast as I can.
  5. Umm. That's the Lake District, famous for having livestock living in those fields. The walls and fences are more to stop the animals getting on the carriageway than to stop you driving across the fields. As such they are a huge safety benefit. Sorry to say, I don't see your logic at all. I love hedgerows and walls on a good B roads.
  6. What Allen said. That's the weirdest thing I have ever heard, the idea is that you stick to the black stuff...
  7. Old A3 was the longest I have owned a car, just over a year. But now I'm home, and have no reason not to I might as well just have what I want. Putting the diesel up for £6500, which makes it the same price as the cheapest S Line on Autotrader, but it is far nicer than the best one on Autotrader. If anyone fancies it.
  8. Almost right on cue the Audi is up for sale. So far this week I have driven a 996 Carrera, looked at a Boxster S, made enquiries about a Lancia and offered a swap for a 205 GTI6 race car. I just need something fun again, so if I can find the right car I might keep both, but we will see. Today I met up with Nick and we discussed the options, and there is only one really. So now I am on the hunt for the right 20vt Mk2, and will just sell the Audi as and when it goes. There is nothing wrong with the Audi, it's a great car. But as everyone knows, it's not very me. It has served its purpose though and let me cut the strings with the old Audi.
  9. That's the biggest thing I have noticed since stopping. I used to count down the clock, "it's been 45 mins, I can sneak one in now" and I was never at my desk, rushing appointments, greeting customers stinking of smoke. It's horrible looking back. And I used to spend £8 a day, every day on smoking. That's a lot of money I now spend actually living my life. Smoking whilst drinking is almost certainly the road to ruin, every smoker will say that alcohol is how it started at one point in time. It was for me, started smoking with my mates drinking cans in the local woods, then when I dropped out of school I just smoked all the time. If it was easy to quit then nobody would smoke, however I wish there was a way that everybody could feel the addiction and understand how it grips your life. People who just think it is stupid annoy me, because they don't understand the feeling of an addiction. I always used to say I wasn't addicted and I could stop whenever I wanted, but I never managed more than 6 hours until the doctor told me I was going to have a heart attack. Chewing gum is a good craving stopper, and water. It's good in accompany it with something like weight loss which motivates you, set yourself a weight loss goal and include stopping smoking to improve your fitness and help you achieve it. And drink lots of water, your brain isn't always as good at telling you what it needs as it should be. Get a craving, drink water. Job done.
  10. Vaping is total bullshit. Grow a pair, pack it in. It's the addiction you need to cut out, not just the fillers and toxins. If you aren't prepared to kick the habit, you will not be able to lose the addiction and will still have nicotine dependant highs and lows. It's the nicotine dependency that is the real life issue IMO, yes smoking will shorten your life and cause health issues but until you stop smoking you will never realise how it effects your immediate mental state. That's what I did just over a month ago, cold turkey just cut it out because I had to. I went from 15/20 a day every day for years to nothing, and now I've got more energy, I'm happier, an extra hour or so in the day and I'm healthier already with a lower blood pressure and a healthier heart rate. Best thing I've ever done. Just the smell of smoking, or being near smokers actually offends me now. It's disgusting.
  11. The bottom picture is, but all the others aren't. The original is this -
  12. It's the phone Robin, I bloody hate it but it appears phone companies build their camera software Instagram ready...
  13. It's weird! In some lights, it looks peely, across the paint. If you look at the paint from like a 45* angle it looks a bit lumpy and isn't clear, but if you look directly straight on at the paint it doesn't look peely. I think it was totally in the lacquer and not in the paintwork itself which was nice. Not anymore though And as you know Black Hole being full of fillers is just like makeup for a car haha.
  14. I was offered a chance to upgrade from my basic rotary, Mark at Brotek was buying a new Rupes Bigfoot so I've purchased his old backup DAS. I also purchased a stages set of Dodo Juice fin cut pads, orange which is a fast cutting pad, green polishing pad and a black finishing pad. Armed myself with Black Hole, went over the A3 with one pass on the orange cutting pad. Whoop. Ended up like - Along with lots of light swirls and imperfections. Stepped it up to the green polishing pad. Went over the entire car again, refined it further. Followed that up with something new to me, Ti22 which is a titanium based coating designed to create a sealing layer for the wax to stick to and create a uniform finish. It worked well! Ti22 is best applied with a foam applicator pad, douse a bit on and work it across the paint work and then leave it to cure and buff it off. So not too hard. Not easy to remove properly though. Then I tried a second first for me, applying Angelwax Dark Angel with a DA. Not something that Mark at Brotek's done before, and not something I've seen anybody else do to be honest. So on with the black finishing pad it was. All done. Then I went over it with Corona, which is a new sprayable wax from Angelwax. It's not got quite as nice a finish as it did straight off with the Dark Angel, but it should hopefully last a lot longer. Not that there's anything wrong with the durability of DA. So all in all, another good day.
  15. Didn't you write your car off the other day? Complete talent failure or something? What a dick joke...
  16. It was a joke, which none of you got. Because none of you go on Pistonheads very often obviously. On Pistonheads a remapped 335D is often hailed as the best car in the world ever. My friends 335D isn't on Pistonheads, and never will be. But it will be in PBMW next month, so you can see it all.
  17. There's more to suspension than struts Matt
  18. You'd still be an M3 wanker though. And nobody wants that. My A3's better than an M3, simply because it ISN'T an M3.
  19. You guys don't go on Pistonheads much do you? Haha. Basically it's a 335D with a pair of hybrids, nos, full M3 suspension, brakes. Everything. It's in Performance BMW next month. It's not 700Bhp, that was a piss take, in fact the whole thing was. It is 580Bhp though. And it will be in PBMW next month.
  20. As a recently converted serial petrolhead, I am really enjoying diesel ownership. It just works. It's not super fast, but it still gets down the road ok, it's immense on fuel, once you get used to which gear to which speed it's great. And unlike almost everyone else I know, I went from a smaller engine displacement petrol which had tonnes more torque, and loads more power. So if anyone should be complaining about diesel ownership it would be me. Not to mention, a 140Bhp diesel like I have is quicker than many "hot hatches" from back in the day that we all used to praise. If it's got a good chassis (which fortunately my 8P does) then the power of the car and the way it is delivered should only be half the story. Whilst I don't for a second say diesel is the future for me, unless you are a seriously committed petrolhead there is no need to shun it. Like I used to... A friend of mine owns this - Known to be the most highly regarded diesel BMW in the country. It's a million miles better than an M3, in every way.
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