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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Gluten free arseholes all over Facebook. Do you know what is 100% gluten free? f**king silence. Why don't you put some of that in your f**king diet. c**ts.
  2. I wouldn't know, I've never done either.
  3. You're my most local 1.8t owner. I'm back from Scotland in two weeks time, let's go hypermile.
  4. In the last hour I have discovered that my 25 year old VW accelerates to take off speed (132mph) quicker than the plane I'm about to get on. Given that my Golf seems to lift clear off the ground at anything above 130mph; I conclude that we aren't using 1.8t engined Mk2 Golf's, or runways anywhere near as efficiently as we could. - Yes I posted that on Facebook, but it's still relevant here. And no I don't know if a plane can do 55mpg.
  5. Too busy having a life, soz.
  6. I did, and still could average 55MPG over a 48 mile each way commute down the M3. I was showing that to prove that it was continuously showing 50+ MPG. But obviously you are too busy being a dick to understand that showing an instant consumption for a prolonged period of time (multiple consumption refreshes) shows a realistic example of how the average is calculated. If anybody with a 1.8t would like a driving lesson then feel free to swing by my house, where I'll quite happily prove George wrong.
  7. After I changed the MAF sensor and plugs it went up further.
  8. Cool, I'll take that bet. 55mph, 6th gear, cruise control off down the M3 for 48 miles.
  9. Last time you called bullshit on something I said I had to post my P60, I have no way of proving you wrong this time as I no longer have a relevant car. So take it or leave it, but you can achieve 55mpg out of a 1.8t if you don't drive like a spastic. If you're such a hero at knowing everything about 1.8t's, how come you can't seem to keep one running for more than a month? Maybe that's why you can't get decent MPG out of one?
  10. Yeah, you know best... I kept it up for a 48 mile each way commute to work every day.
  11. I'm not saying you couldn't. But if I tried I could get 55MPG out of a 1.8t, so why the hell would you buy a soot chucker then contemplate modifying it to make it quicker and worse on fuel. Sense, it does not make.
  12. I did 100 miles a day in my S3 for 6 months. You need to learn to drive economy style! I've always been able to get 40+MPG from my 1.8t's, you won't get that much more from the equivalent 1.9TDI.
  13. Even the most miserable post in the world is not as miserable as anything you say.
  14. Went to Goodwood for Breakfast club in the Golf. She was flyyyyyyying. I had a wank over this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. Mmmm. I let my friend Jamie have a hoon in my Golf. Then I went for a hoon in this. And now I'm going to make my driveway look like this.
  15. My iPhone is currently for sale.
  16. So having been messed about with over ARB's for weeks I've just decided to settle for a 25mm H&R used to make a 28mm one, nobody stocks them any more. They've stopped making them. So I've settled for the biggest Eibach you can buy, 25mm. Found one second hand for £60. And that's it for spending money on the Mk2 this year, just going to use it as much as I can whilst I contemplate getting an M3 to do it all.
  17. Prawn and I drunk beer last night. Then we ate a kebab. Happy.
  18. Close! 74 was the last year the made the original Carrera RS, 964 is the best Porsche ever. Guy I work with used to be a really top ranking Porsche salesman, the managing director of Vodafone gave him a phone number when he bought a car off him. 07** 911 2 911. That's the number I really want
  19. I just got a new phone number for work, ultimate nerd number. It's 07** 74 74 964. If anyone can work out why that's nerdy I'll give them my undieing love.
  20. I don't even miss f**king pensioners. I deleted Tinder and everything.
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