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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Haha, one of them is a Flat battery, and the others spilt a glass of water !!!! XD Jarrod
  2. Get a Mac... There amazing, do everything, look good, are well spec'd and hold there value very well. Anybody who tells you other wise is a Nerd and uses Linux, Or has never had a Mac. (note HAD, not Used) They are Very Easy To Live With.... Jarrod
  3. Have we not decided yet that it can't be a mechanical fault becouse it comes and goes ? ... Just change the plugs/leads/rotor arm and if that dosen't fis it the Cap....Long and short of it is if you've got Fuel and a Spark it'll run, obviously if you've got a weak spark it won't run right.....normally you have a weak spark becouse faulty Plugs/leads/rotor arms..... And whoever said it was the Tappets, Good guess but i doubt it ! It wouldn't be a quick change, from running well to shite ! And If it was the Tappets the timing would be out by Miles and it would piss blue/black smoke out the Back and would ALWAYS run bad......Especially if it was a diesel. I'm prottey sure it wouldn't be the Coil becouse that either works, or it dosen't ! JUST CHANGE THE f**kING PLUGS & LEADS !!!! GRRRRRR Jarrod
  4. f**king idiot... It's Electrical, you should all be changing your plugs/HT Leads now anyway. Becouse it's coming to the end of Winter ? Jarrod
  5. Who remember when this came out ? I know theres no need to make a whole new topic but i didn't know where to post it ! Jarrod
  6. Pashley26


    Like i said, how long you had it and how does it creak.... Jarrod
  7. Pashley26


    ...The most ridiculous thing i've ever heard ! If it's notchy try loosening your stem and then turn it, if it's still notchy it's f**ked... If it squeeks when you put the brakes on and push bake and forwards then it's not tight enough, the hedset is equally f**ked ! Or it could just be that it's dry, so Gt it ! Or go to your bike shop and get some XC lube (in a green bottle and good bike shop will sell it) and spray that in there ! If it is the back and forwards one and lubing it or tightning it dosen't fix it check that the forks are not bent/dinged or worst case you frames probably ovalised (very common if you put headsets in with a hammer and a lump of wood !) and your head tubes FACKED ! Or it could just be that the Bearings are worn, how old is it ? And when/how does it creak ? What headset is it ? Hope it's not a king ! Jarrod
  8. Hahaha ....It means Over Draft not Over Drawn ! Jarrod
  9. Haha, Welcome To My Orrafice !!! It's rather dirty considering i've taken £60,000 out of peoples hands in the last 2 weeks !!!! XD Gotta Have A Wog'Box ! And A Nice View ! With Ample Reading ! And Obviously MONEY !!!!! Home Sweet Home !
  10. You lot are f**king stupid..... Jarrod
  11. Sorry man, i'm just in a funny mood ! Ignore me, i'll even shut up if it helps ! Jarrod I can see what you mean with the plane though... Becouse the Jets are providing the forwards thrust not the wheels the engines will push the Plane forwards and the tredmill will push the wheels back faster at the speed the tredmill is moving, but the wheels will also move due to the forwards thrust provided by the engines...... You'd have to be f**king stupid to not understand that, why don't yo post it in new members as a test ?
  12. Ha, this is why i just LOVE TF... You can come out with the most random bullshit XD But i still hate the fact that it's been a week and were still talking about the same bullshit under differnt topics !!!! Ha... Believe it or not i've never actually ridden a trials bike on a Plane.....But i was on a plane when we smashed up Madonnas Jet at Lasham Airfield... And Jordan and Peter Andre (or how ever you spell it) moved into the house next to my local and i met them the other night and got drunk and started staring at her tits really blatently...Got a photo of me and her on my phone ... See yet more usefull Trials Chat XD In all serious though, they are the two best stories i've got from my whole life ! the rest is like really boring, excpet for the time i took the bearded lady of guildford out for dinner in TGI fridays and asked her if she would sleep with me after we drunk like 6 manhattens and ate Jack daniels steak....Then we had a big share size Choclate obsession ice cream glass and then we went down the river and she said she had to go home..... Probably worth saying she's got a big beard and she's 60 about now..... Jarrod
  13. f**k me sideways, i think one of the New Members has a fan designed specificly for letting planes take off on tredmills...... Jarrod
  14. ...So the aerodynamics of the plane have nothing to do with it then ? Jarrod Edit....Haha I bet I look like a right cnut now don't i ?
  15. DDDDDDDDDDDDDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE It's Christmas !!! Whoot Whoot Whoot Whoot Whoot Whooot !!!! Watched The Grinch Last Night, Ate Pies, Wrapped Presents and Did I Mention It's Christmas !!!! AHHHHHHHH I hate Christmas Jarrod
  16. Go for it man ! Do what ever it takes to get motivated to ride again ! And no doubt you'll have alot of fun on the way ! Al the best, Jarrod
  17. Bien il tout semble travailler bien sur mon Mac. ..... Tout le mieux ! Et Noël Heureux ! Jarrod
  18. There f**k all like an Enduro ! An enduro is a medium weight Downhill bike...... A Pitch is a tubeless ready full on XC bike with 2 years worth of suspension development in it !!!!! For mad man mike - If you not the lightest rider you should get an enduro. If you ride alot of XC and are looking to get an XC bike get a Pitch ! I would only ever buy Speccy', I sold them for nearly 2 years and i'm AMAZED at the quality of the bikes, and the AMAZING custmer service ! Jarrod
  19. Another word....(anda few more!) Outdated, expensive, odd sizes, most are rotten becouse of the wood they use, and they only sound good next to a piano being played by a bloke who looks like Mr T... Jarrod
  20. This is pathetic... Why are some people sat on computers saying how badly we'd kill anyone who tried to nick there bike ? "Well i've got this"--- "And ive got that"---"I've got a golf ball up my ass"---"And i've got a gun in my saddle"---"I'm a kgb agent"---I've got a bomb inside my tyres"---"I've got blah blah blah blah...... We all know if someone wanted your bike, they'd get it ! (MOST of you that is !) The best thing is that The Scientist pops toilets up peoples ass's ! "I'mma pop a crappa' in yo' ass foooo'" Jarrod
  21. Use CyberDuck and Tacho Html edit ! cyber duck is an FTP server upload and downloader, SO simple to use ! Tacho is an editor that gives you a live view of the web page ! Hope this helps I do all of the websites at work and it's SOOOO easy to use...heres my website www.bradleyjamesclassics.co.uk I had NEVER done any website building until aa few months ago and i managed to do all that ! The programmes offer how to guides aswell ! http://cyberduck.ch/ http://tacosw.com/ Hope they help ! Jarrod
  22. Oh yes ! me and Jed the drumers XD I love Jed he's my IDOL !!!! I'd say if your on a Budget get a Peal, i had a Forum or 5 years ! If you can spend £500 go for a Pearl Export, If you can spend more go for a DW !!!! DW is the big boys toys (Eh Jed !!! ) What have you got in mind ? Seen any you fancy ? I always wanted a staccato kit ! Jarrod EDIT !!! Those DDrum kits are amazing ! I've got a photo of my phone of my mates one, i'll upload it ! He played the first 4 enter shikari kits on it and it sounded AMAZING !
  23. I baught a set of Louise's with genuine Magura braided hose, and the hose wasn't plastic coated and it cut through the downtube of my orange and i had to buy a new front frame !!!! Might have just been mine, anyone else got GENUINE magura braided hoses ? So don't get the Magura hoses, get the Goodies' ! Jarrod
  24. Google ? I tried searching google and found NOTHING ! When i typed in Mac problems this thread was near the top !!! HAHA Jarrod
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