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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Pashley26


    I thaught you ment "Spining" as in the bike traning..... As with all things, just practice ! I know it's a commonly used phrase but Practice does make perfect ! Thats my advice ! Jarrod
  2. I don't think so, becouse the chain will need to Float from left to right and they fixed..... Correct me if i'm wrong ? Jarrod
  3. There f**kig stupid ! My first bike was an Fs1e, A Classic 70's bike. Becouse it can be powered by pedals it falls within the "Moped Law" Moped stands for Motor-Pedals They do 50mph Standard, and you can fit a 90cc bore kit on them and they'll pull to 70mph and still be Legal.......... But yeah, long and short of it is, There gay and you'll be forever being pulled over. And most of them won't pass an MOT Jarrod
  4. I don't gell the need to ride. I do feel the need to sasy spam though... Weird or what ! Jarrod
  5. Look guy's, it's not hard to get Validated. All it takes is One good post, There looking out for a good post that is well punctuated, with good use of grammar and in context to the topic Not a thousand posts. For instance, Curly koxx levelboss has made 2 new topics within 4 minutes. Which Full members would class as Spamming. To be honest with you theres never no more than 5 topics made in each section of the forum per day. Where as in NMC which has half the members there have already been 46 Topics started today in NMC alone....Only 13 of them had the word "Trials" in them. Just cut down on posts. And only post the really good ones ! And you'll get Validated in no time ! Jarrod
  6. Guiness Should Be Served With A Flake And Sprinkles ? Lady Boys Jarrod
  7. I tell you what ! I was going to recomend one of your posts for validation to the Mod's but i figured you had been Demoted becouse you'd been on here for so long !! Jarrod
  8. I'm pretty sure there still going. Has anybody ridden a Raid ? I was quite surprised at how well they handled. They ride nicely, shame there let down by cheap components. Jarrod
  9. Yeah, there alright but i've had alot of Nasty experiences. You can't tell how shit they are until you ride your bike then jump on someone elses Jarrod
  10. If you think someones worthy of Validation. Use the REPORT Button and just type Valdiation ? in the comments box ? Simple or what ! Jarrod
  11. Nice I wish i could say it's mine but it's a car i own through buisness (Comission sale) Jarrod
  12. Yes mate. Be a good boy, get into Full members. Cheap bikes galore The best way to be a full member is to make one or two sensible, well punctuated posts and to make yourself look like a sensible everyday trials rider. Spamming is a deffinate NO. Jarrod
  13. I think i've seen that photo to paul. I'll have to chat to you on msn. The old advert for Ashton where martyn's kick hopped out into the sea and he's balancing on a Pole, Anyone remember that ? Then the next month they had him half way through hopping back, and then the next month him stood there looking at it ? Jarrod
  14. I take it you've never heard the term "Double standards" as written at the bottom of my post then I don't care who's Validated or not, he seems like a nice enough lad. Jarrod
  15. Quite happily. And please, next time you want to look like a man. Quote "Cider" Not Wife beater. Jarrod
  16. Haha, i'm having a joke mate Your alright ! Jarrod
  17. Nothings photoshopped....Except Vin's car. We were taking the piss outa him he told us to f**k off and asked to be banned. Now he's come back said he's sorry and i'm winding him up. Jarrod
  18. He's just jelious becouse he can't see the classic jap car thread It is mate ! Hahaha Jarrod
  19. Haha, thats alright mate ! Just don't let them get you down. I hope this isn't just an act though, we'll all come down on you like a ton of bricks if you mess up again Jarrod
  20. Bitter for the win Si-Man !!! And if were going to start talking Spirits and mixes Slippery Nipples ***.... Jarrod
  21. Glad to see you've got a sense of Humor.. What about these ones ? If you EVER want to talk cars, i'm the man Jarrod
  22. Theres alot of clever people out there, And i guess there salary's and professional oppinions are worth nothing. Next time the world wants to know something they should vote for Tf Not that i'm saying you guys are wrong ! My life revolves around saving Chickens not Global Warming.... Jarrod
  23. Edited. This should make things more interesting ! Jarrod
  24. Wow ! I had those cranks, shit arn't they ? But of cause i thaught they were amazing at the time !!! Jarrod
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