You obviously didn't read, or understand my point. If you read your quote you will hopefully read; "If you want to drive fast; Wait until your old enough to Insure a real car. Not some pikey'd up un-declared saxo" Ironically you missed a rather large point in that (i hope?) wich says "Wait until your old enough". I like driving fast, and luckily i have a few year experience and have done many forms of racing both on tarmac and rally style stages. I competed in Banger racing at a challenge level for a year, And have completed many advanced driving courses, probably 2 a year for the last 3 years. And i feel that my few years of experience let me make the concious decision of when it's safe/O.K to turn it up a bit, and when it is necessiary to drive in a safe, and controlled manner in accordance to the UK law. So, due to my experience i drive fast when i feel it's safe. And i feel i can control my car. You drive to YOUR limits, and YOUR CARS limits. And if you havnt' driven long enough or had experinces to learn the limits, you DO NOT try. Done.