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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Rofl....Thats the funniest thing i've ever seen !!!!! - Yes in effect thats what he did. But i was trying to put emphasis on why he did it, he did all of that simply to be driving a Rallye everyday in his state Ledge' !
  2. haha, it's a pain in the arse because my mum either hates the bird or the bird hates my mum ! Fatpants showing his extensive knowlege of the female schematics there Legend...
  3. A girl i've liked for a long times just come on the market. And she's all over me and she just came round for a Pizza and a Glass of wine. Half way through my mum popped round un expectidly and just sent me a text saying she looks like a whoar.
  4. GIRLS ON FILM !!! Duran Duran... Tune...
  5. No. Why would he just cut up a Rallye for the fun of it ? He's done something simply monumental to get the car that he loved back. So show him some respect and read the thread before saying something stupid.
  6. http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=2963211&page=1 f**king epic. I now know that we all have f**k all dedication to our cars. A true lgend
  7. If i was going to have one i'd get a 1600 Driver. They've got all of the looks of the GTI's but they've got a super smooth engine and are cheap on insurance. (Edit - As if i was you...) I mean, look at the douche ffs ? http://www.pistonheads.com/SALES/660762.htm
  8. Instutute of Advanced Motorists, http://www.iam.org.uk/ And yeah, it's a GTI. Just no badge so it surprises people If your confident you won't crash put your Excess high. It lowers premiums by LOADS.
  9. Easily !!! I've not got any no claims bonus because i've always been on a trade policy. I insured this V as my first insurance (of my own) last week. It cost me £1100, 3PFT with a Pass Plus and AIM.
  10. Woooh ! Tom looks nothing like i thaught he would !
  11. hitler built an underground kingdom. FACT.
  12. woops YYi thnik i'll gno to sleeo befgro i makes a titt of meself
  13. 55Thatss knot verr y nice, sonme peopler putt alft of efcfert into [ this thread !¬
  14. Jussts got bak from the star the royaloakl th furr anfd feathers' the foxx and thee hairyvester:)) haad a whaler ov a timee )?
  15. It was a very spur of the moment thing. I saw the trialsuk banner had pink rims and then i saw an avatar with pink rims...
  16. Your the one with Bender in your name.. No, i don't have pink rims.
  17. I tell you what though, I know NOTHING about TGS. But nearly EVERYONE who posted in the Sidehop thread (Except the Haters) have got Pink rims. Now, is this a slander on there sexual preference, or not ?
  18. "Thats my brothers bike you nicked it" "Who's your brother?" "Ryan Peaches, he's really good" - But the stupidest thing i've been asked was, "Is that your bike". At the time i was riding my road bike, and i had "My Name Here" Airbrushed onto the top tube (as per the 2008 Quickstep team bikes)
  19. Blood, orange juice. I just drank a litre myself....
  20. Real men drink whiskey so they don't need a bottle opener....
  21. ... Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  22. BA DO BA DO BA DOOOO BOOOO BA DO BA DO BA DO BOOOOOOO SLEEP NOW IN THE FIRE !!! Sleep now in the fire - Rage against the machine !
  23. Old ones are MILES better. Mhz's are around but most if not all are beaten about, or have a shocking set up. Mine's for sale http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....p;#entry1518546 It's not been ridden for more than an hour sicne being built up last year !
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