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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....Search&f=13 FFS.
  2. Who me? Lets hope the money gets sent Then you can buy a front brake
  3. There not actually illegal if you own the game. But lets face it.... There's some awesome ones. I went straight to FF9 because my ps1 discs (PICTURE DISCS !) got mullered when my TV cabinet collapsed and my 5 years old 5 ton 32" tv went straight through the lot Remember the "Demo Discs" they were beast....
  4. Remember that harry enfield sketch - "And the 1966 England team are playing in black and white, against the 1992 Liverpool line up in colour" But yeah, only downside so far is having to close the 5 pop ups you need to click to download the games
  5. Pashley26

    Game Roms

    I've just downloaded a few Emulators, and think there the best thing in the world ! Does anybody else on here use Emulators and Roms ? I'm looking for a really good site, and so far i can only find romhustler for good free downloads Obviously i'm system scanning after i download each one, but has anybody had any problems with them ? For anybody who dosen't know what they are, there a Console "Emulator" you can download to play all your fav' old games
  6. I've got an elastic mandibular advancement splint. It's a right pain in the ass and makes the lady's think your Hannibal Lecter. But i can always sleep fine with it, but when i wake up my tounges always solid and stuck to the bottom of my mouth
  7. Pashley26


    Great video, Varied moves, well filmed, fitting track.
  8. It's past 9PM, can we close this now ? Off to bed you lot...
  9. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hitachi-Travelstar...A/dp/B000W9ODP2 First one of the 126,000 i found after shortening and googling it.
  10. I have never heard of anybody having a problem with a water bleed. There are over 100 reviews questions and topics about how and why to do it on TF. Search and find loads of them, then let you dad read them
  11. Maguras are great. If used and maintained properly. End of.
  12. Pashley26

    Google Chrome.

    No. It makes TF viewing rapid.
  13. Heres a few clearer photo's, Basically the same angles with a sharper camera. Might be looking to do a deal on a newer bike. Mod or Stock
  14. Thanks for the comments guys. Magura Blacks because i have 7 sets left over from when i left Cycleworks.... I'm going to replace the photo's with some propper (camera) photo's tonight, so check back then
  15. I've always found there very reasonable if you offer them gold and washing machines. Failing that just run.
  16. Looks bang on Adam Griffin. Haha
  17. Haha, I'm sure we'll find somewhere to ride.
  18. Hi there guy's, I'm trying to arrange a Basingstoke ride with thefletch for an evening next week. It's going to be a bit trial and error but theres a few good spots around the town, and something for TGS and UCI styles. We'll be looking to do an Evening ride (6PM On) on a sunny day, so it could be short notice. But ultimately it should be a better ride I'll be there with a Camera, and if it goes Pete Tong i should think we'll just sit outside a pub and have a good time. So if theres and interest or suggestions on good spots, then please Post them
  19. To be honest it doesn't really matter because were all going to die in 9 days anyway. Jakers certainly knows what he's talking about doesn't he !
  20. The WHOLE of the Wave 103 disc from GTA Vice City... Possiably one of my fav' cd's ever. Except for the Flash FM GTAVC disc....
  21. Unlucky. Although your staying in the EU you need a passport. I very much doubt it can be done quicker. Don't want to sound like a twat but shouldn't you have thaught about this a long time ago ?
  22. How does that work...Wierd as. It's happened a few times now, I type my post and then send it. I read my post on the thread. Then Simps' post comes in higher up than mine when i re open the thread ?
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