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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. I too, will go for an "Easy" one to get the ball rolling I feel a guess the car thread coming on ?
  2. There is actually nothing to that bike. I bet you could build that whole thing in less than 10 min's. With Brakes !
  3. Back when Marshall Mathers was good. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  4. Unfortunatly Simps' I won't be recording it. Now she's living with me. (f**king great) Saffers gone back to london a not happy chappy. Bambino's going on Friday. Sorted. Honestly, she's so f**king stupid.
  5. If those are the records that still stand today then f**k it, Lets make a Team TF I know people who arn't very good who could beat most of those records !
  6. I genuinely can't understand more than two consecutive words in that first sentence ? And surely the second sentence counters the first in this case ?
  7. Fair enough, it's a bit nerdy. But it's a chance to say "I CAN do this better than you, heres proof." It's a chance to put up, or shut up. Or it might come to nothing because nobody's serious ?
  8. A Designer designs the website. A Developer then takes the design and Developes (makes) it.
  9. Jed not only are you a joke thief but you are unbelievably stupid aswell.
  10. "most warn superman T shirt" Can we change that to ugliest bird pulled because of a superman Tee ? WE HAVE A WINNNNNNEEERRR !!!!! Winner = Scopse
  11. Edited for ease of reading and without the "maby a scam, maby real ?" bit.
  12. Wed's nights good for me I'll be outside the station steps at 5 as a meeting point. Tall bloke with a big blue Pashley, nice and easy to miss. Any more takers ?
  13. Pashley26

    Tf Car Meet

    I will personally take it upon myself to shoot any cocks. This could be the start of great things people, so don't do anything stupid.
  14. Pashley26

    Tf Car Meet

    Should be able to make it Might be on a motorbike but hey !
  15. Yeah... Because trying to change your name (which surely would be the only reason you'd need to know?) doesn't actually come up with a confirmation screen detailing the name change rules or anything either...
  16. I've got a f**king problem. But not the sort of girl problem that normally gets mentioned in this thread Someones gonna die.
  17. It dosen't hurt ! I was at 28, then i took it out and went to nothing, then i went back up to 1". It hurt once when i started going back up, but thats it. I always quite liked the feeling
  18. It's a piece of piss, remember what you've learnt and stay cool. It's just a drive with a bloke watching you really.
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