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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Pashley26

    Tf Car Meet

    Would I let you down ! We'll be there, arm in arm. Listening to Spandau Ballet all the way there and god damn back ! Anyway, AWntage/Oxford is only a few hundred miles off my route
  2. Pashley26

    Tf Car Meet

    Shhhhh !!! Go, it's going to be beast
  3. Edited, Managed to find more than one thing the Seniors do.
  4. STFU !!!! Jon When will this rebellion stop, its making TF gay !
  5. Oh for god sake why can't you delete posts
  6. Pashley26


    http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=...word2=John+Mack Our fame rating = 0. Gutted.
  7. Try that igloo stuff then, it's like superglue. Just puts an antibacterial hard coating on them so they don't rub
  8. Bongela. This topics stoopid. Oh, and you gums are in really bad shape ! Alot of flaming and redness round the tooth line Too much sugar !
  9. More importantly, Is JT 10 feet tall or does he live in a dolls house ?
  10. Its a sign... :arabia: I'm off to Luton to pick up the Interior in 3 mins !!!
  11. Haha, give me a clue or post another one
  12. They built the 8 Millionth polo in Pamplona in 2004.... Sorry Rich...
  13. Insurance Unless you have good no claims, then it's a no brainer. Golfs are a far better car
  14. Also, the Finnish army have mutual support from the Swedish army. Who have one of the most advanced stealth navy in the world ! (Apparently)
  15. They are VERY good Cheap to buy, cheap to insure, cheap to run, nice and nippy in town traffic, really tuneable and there VAG bullet proof. Interiors are SH*T though !
  16. Wasn't there a Hellfrauds thread ages ago ?
  17. In my opinion - I made a bit of a rant because I took things too personally. Thus making myslelf look like I have the IQ of a tea spoon. But, the one good point I made is theres not enough respect. The young-un's need to look up to the more seasoned riders and show them some proper respect, and the more mature older riders need to show some understanding and respect the the younger riders. Unfortunatly, we were all little shits at one time. It's all so petty, I used to take massive insult to the Circus's posts. But when you step back and laugh at him taking the piss out of someone else you realize actually, it IS funny. Just lighten up everyone, I'm probably the most guilty of it on here so i might as well say it. If something winds you up, Take 10 mins to think about the situation before posting, it's really easy to get caught up in an argument when you feel an injustice, or some wrong doing. And arguing makes you look like a plank. Just chillax guy's, theres far to many hormones flying rounds TF at the moment
  18. Pashley26

    Tf Car Meet

    Ok people, time for some finalised details. Date: 2nd November 2008 Time: 1pm Venue: Caldecote Arms, Bletcham Way, Caldecotte, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK7 8HP
  19. Yarp. http://www.thirdwayblog.com/wp-content/upl...7-vw-rabbit.jpg
  20. As I sit here now, looking like a 12 year old.
  21. I don't get it...X( All my mates love it, but i havn't got a clue why its supposed to be funny.
  22. Dude, get an audi FFS. Get a 2L 5 pot 80 coupe. You'll never look back.
  23. Well done. But with some things it's not hard to win.
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