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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. You've been a member for long enough to have seen the last "Does it take off" thread, did you not see it ? It was amazing, for all the wrong reasons !
  2. I know its against your rotary religion but -
  3. FFS, Were not back to the plane taking off are we ? IT DOES TAKE OFF !!!!!! If you can't see that it does actually take off you don't deserve to have the privilege of breathing.
  4. Nope Nope Deffinatly nope Want a clue ?
  5. Point to you, They didnt' quote the worst bit
  6. Theres gonna be a murrrrder ! *Scottish accent
  7. Haha, it was far to funny for me to share.... EDITED
  8. There would be alot of lol'otery going on though
  9. I would have thought after 4 you'd have got the hint... If your unhappy with the happy thread, Use the Angry thread. f**kwit.
  10. And i've told him what will happen to the unlucky bird....
  11. Edited I guess it half as bad seeing as your 15.....
  12. I can't think of a single part of an Austin 7 that dosen't make you think "Austin 7 ?* When you look at it Even the sloping roof line...haha. Here we go again -
  13. Austin 7 ? Is were going to get pedantic it's a 2CV Dolly Edition (Green and White...)
  14. Ok, You've all got damn close...I was hoping Rich would come on and post up exactly what it was but he's being antisocial... It's an Audi 4000CS Alpine.
  15. nope, look at the lower front bumper...
  16. Nope. But they did do one with Quattro.
  17. Pashley26

    Tf Car Meet

    1 hour 35 for me.. I've made it in under an Hour once with my dad But I'm picking Adam G' up..So it's 2 hours 22. So I'm aiming for 2 hours.
  18. 1968 Fiat Gamine... I am SOOOOO stupid...
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