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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. judging by the photo's and links it's something of major lolotery.
  2. Maybe your alot different to me...But when was the last time anybody sat in the back seats ?
  3. It's not worth arguing about (I know it's just a discussion so far). As I said in the last arguments about this place starting to turn, there is not enough respect. If the younger less mature forum members looked up to the old more experienced riders, and showed them more respect then the older members would also be a bit more lenient with the younger members. How bad is it for people like me, I'm stuck in the middle !
  4. Nobody else is going to get it so i might aswell. You had your chance !!! Jaguar Bertone Pirana. I hope your not not referring Espada's when you say the looks carried on to an Italian supercar. Because they came out in 1968.
  5. You fail like a chocolate tea pot. Read the rules dude.
  6. I found that the suspension was much worse than the warns. Not being able to look at the site, or post or anything. The warns were just like "Meh', who cares" Until I got to 80, now as everyone knows I'd do anything in the world to get rid of them I do get really annoyed that I get warn for just saying something stupid, but I see 5/6 posts a day of people saying shit MUCH worse than all the things i've said put together and nothing appears to happen. Edit - Same as JT for me, I'm not complaining. Just questioning the constancy.
  7. I think warns do work, sometimes. It can be quite confusing at times though, because what one person finds funny, Other people don't. I think it's as much the responsibility of the people who reply to the provocative posts to keep the camp happy.
  8. 100% People need to Chilax. Fair enough it's "only the internet" so nobody gets physically hurt, but taking shit off people you don't even know can really grind you down
  9. Mwahahahaha. I havn't seen *This* video, but I saw one of his last videos. Just fill me in, I take it it's skinny trousers by his knees, stripey black and purple shirt, Sidehopping onto everything, dodgy camera angles and lenses, Riding cos' it's "Kool". And "Joe Maher is an abortion" made me piss....What a retard. Somebody do something new, PLEASSSSEEEE !
  10. What a sound bloke. Why can't everyone be like him...
  11. SOLD !!!!! I'll regret it but who cares, he's a sound bloke and the bike deserves to be ridden
  12. Oldest grammatical faux pars in the book.... I feel so amateur.
  13. I'm a drummer and i've got a MASSIVE curve on my little fingers. And when I type and hold a stick or what ever I cant' not poke it out at a stupid angle.
  14. I was actually the first person to do that on here. I believe. I did it the week I joined. Also boswell, why do you insist in putting !'s next to your topic? That employ's that there of importance....
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