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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Nahhh, you don't sound like a Granddad. He's just a C*nt. - Welcome to the forum Jen
  2. Imagine on a road bike, thats going to be almost silent. Which is kinda cool.
  3. Cool beans, I shall butt out of said topic....now
  4. Good point, what a mong.....
  5. Well thats nice to know. But when I posted my photo of my Mhz he didn't say "Thats not a Ghz" Maybe he was being polite, maybe he dosen't know ? Why don't you let him say "I was actually after a Ghz, not a Mhz but thanks anyway" rather than jumping on the band wagon ?
  6. There the easiest brakes in the world to bleed. Have a look in the Wiki for a guide - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/wiki/
  7. I'll vouch for that ! I had an S Works Road when I was at cycleworks, it was lovely. Anybody seen those Oneil stereo helmets ? There well good
  8. Yeah, allot. The levers are different, I think HS33's have larger pistons and are generally allot stronger. Theres the HS22 which is in the middle of both. I used a HS11 for trials for about 2 days, it was ok but never as good as a HS33
  9. I know, didn't know if he did meant Mhz or a Ghz as most people get them confused/don't know the difference ?
  10. I ran a 2.5 UST Dual Ply High Roller on the rear. Don't do it, it ate my rear triangle. If you zoom in on that pic' you can see the line where it's rubbed on the frame and damaged the tyre.
  11. Pashley26


    You missed a few letters from that...
  12. Pashley26


    One of very few times I'll say QFT. It's f**king sick, so sick infact I've turned over to Dave to watch Jack Dee at the Apollo. Some cuntz going around blinding children and burning them and torturing them to get witchcraft out of them. And making the parents pay the equivalent for £120 for the privilege. Why the f**k is this left to happen ? Like the turkish special needs asylums that were on the other day. They all need to be tied up and burnt and publicly humiliated themselves. f**king bunch of c**ts.
  13. Youtube Video -> Original Video This one ?
  14. Green Onions ! YIPPIE KAYAYYYEEEE MOTHER FUKCER !!!! Youtube Video -> Original Video It's changed whilst typing ! Youtube Video -> Original Video I've found something very cool that searches Youtube for songs in your list and plays them. I've only been Rickrolled twice in over 30 songs ? Uber cool
  15. Please excuse my ignorance, and sorry if my ignorance is construed as offensive. But why the bunnies ? I know it's for DJ but why bunnies ?
  16. Aahh yes ! I've sent a piston through a door skin once.... The best one EVER was my mate bought a fully restored Jaguar 420G and he topped up the Brake Res' and spilt some on the wing. He went to wipe it off and just spread it across the wing, then he dropped a boiling hot kettle on his leg and went to sort that out. Came back to the car 3 hours later and the wing was through to the metal ! HAHA MONG !
  17. Have you ever taken grips off with an air gun ? Immense fun.
  18. With gears....I'd for for a Sram PC911 chain.
  19. I saw this on thesub forums menu it said "What is the best way to put on..." And I was really hoping it would say "Cat-Suits when youv'e already got your street walkers on." I'm always getting that problem, It's a f**king joke. And the other one is knee highs when youv'e got tights on ? They ALWAYS ladder. +1 for Hair Spray...It's a great film.
  20. Depends what way inclined you are. It worked well for me, because I could drop the chain (by hand) onto the lower chain ring for street or trials, then just lift it up to the top ring to ride home and to work without ruining my trousers.
  21. They don't do external Middie's I believe. Middle burn's aren't the be all and end all.
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