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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Pashley26


    I think it's pretty safe to say, he shouldn't move to Funeral Directing or Wedding Planning either.
  2. Nice. Is it just me or are they another one of those Parties that *could* make this country slightly better if it wasn't run by c*nts. By that I mean, a party that isn't afraid of offending african trade Whales.
  3. Pashley26


    Tarty Bikes ***. Tarty don't need to advertise anymore, people just know there the daddy.
  4. As in going to (or your default) and letting your ISP do it ? I PM'd him 4 ways of doing it and didn't get a reply so he's either a gay or has done it now and can't connect to the internet because he's owned his internet settings
  5. , to be honest if you could give a good quote for the whole site I can pass it on to him and see what he makes of it ? You'll probably make a much better site than I could ever think of !
  6. Cheers dude, I did this one http://www.bradleyjamesclassics.co.uk/ but the next ones going to be a big step up. I can do HTML but I've never been able to design a logo that works, I just don't have the eye for it.
  7. Hey guy's, I've told my boss I can sort his website out for him thinking he just wanted it updating. But he dosen't, he needs a full on overhaul and first on my list is getting a logo ! So please help guy's, I'm after a logo that says "Winklebury Cycles, The Souths Premier Cycle Shop", our shops colors and theme is blue and yellow so it'd be great to incorperate those colors. This is the website he's given me as a view of what he likes - http://www.arthurcaygillcycles.co.uk/ He says he likes the way that the middle scrolls down and the sides stay still and says that is a must have for his site. Which leads me on to my next question, does anybody know of a template that I can download (For free?) with that same design ? Cheers guy's, any help would be great !
  8. Dynamic IP springs to mind... Surely this topic will lead to bad things, IE Banned people making new IP addresses to re join THIS site. Why not use Google ?
  9. Seems like a sound enough bloke. Glad it's one step closer to you getting your parts
  10. I'll post some later. But the before Audi 80 was loads nicer !
  11. That synth reminds me allot of this awesome tune - Youtube Video -> Original Video
  12. Whatever happened to this beast of a thread ?
  13. Wasn't there a tread on this like a day ago ? Mucking Fuppets.
  14. The other thing too, is if the guy from Select sent them for HIS bike surely he's a vaginal hole for selling them without even fitting them to make a profit for himself ?
  16. Riding without a helmet isn't a like driving a car without a seatbelt on, it's not a "if I ride slowly i'll be fine" type of thing. It's literally a time bomb, your guaranteed to fall off at some point. How big you go does have a bearing on when your going to fall off, but it could happen at anytime no matter how good you are. Obviously I hope he makes a full recovery, but he should have been wearing a helmet. Now can we end this "he's a cock, no you are" argument, this is a thread for well wishers, not douches.
  17. Tunez. Youtube Video -> Original Video
  19. Heres a classic video we can all enjoy his brilliance, Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  20. Depends how you want to go with it ? If you ride oldschool and more streety style I'd go for the same setup as I had, External XTR BB and a Hone chainset with a Singlespeed rear end.
  21. SEXY !!! I really wanted the Union Jack graphics but they didn't have them printed in 1997 when I got mine
  22. I'll post photo's soon but I have - My house key, my sisters house key, Winklebury Cycles shop key, Garage key and back door key on one quick release keyring with a Victronix Swiss army knife on it. Then I have on the other bunch (joined by one of those climbing clips) My Saabs keys, My dead Rovers keys (), My GF's Alfa's keys,My Garage keys and the key code for my mate Simons Garage and electric gates with another key to unlock his key cabinet. Then I have another set with just my Saab keys, my door key, my garage key and an 8 Ball. Sounds almost complicated but it's really not. If I'm going to the shops it's key set 3, If i'm going to work it's 1 and If I don't know where I'm going it's 2 and 3
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