Phone the letting agent up in the morning and ask why you don't have the paperwork. If they don't know anything about it and try and fob you off then I'd tell them you will be making a County Court Claim against them if they do not refund you your £25 that they owe you and if the deposit is not secured within 14 days then make a Claim. Thats MORE than fair, and will stand you in good stead when you do claim. Make sure all documents sent or phone calls are recorded or monitored, if I hadn't photocopied and sent my sisters request for the documents recorded delivery she wouldn't be 4K richer at the moment. They do not have a leg to stand on, they HAVE to send you the documentation about the deposit and where it's being held. There are categorically no exception to these rules, and as long as you do the procedures right it'll be a hands down case in your favor. Good luck big boi !