Why, why, why, do people think it's acceptable to be f**ked around by a company ? "In my expereince Trials-uk is fine if you want something, but do not need it instantlly. Where as with tarty you know that almost always if you order before 5 it will arrive next day! And you will get to class service! If your worried about not getting your new parts asap , or if they will be wrong , and you might need to send them back, use tarty!" You should NEVER have to worry about any of that ! Tarty never f**k people about, and know what there on about. Dans heads in the clouds and he sends out the wrong parts (if he does send them.) The only criticism anybody could have about tarty is they don't stock the gay brightly anodized shit that TUK do, and they have more "tried and tested" stock. Don't use Dan, use Tart.