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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. It won't be hard to do. He will have told one of his mate, who will have told someone else. I bet somebody you know knows who did it.
  2. Followed by - Followed by - Followed by a photo of Jolfa (from Nottingham) in a similarly style hat - Is f**king stupidly funny.
  3. +1 I'm only 5/6 miles away from Lovedean if thats any help.
  4. Unfortunately it doesn't include photo's of the internet. If you make his face look like a front bum, and get him to wear a pair of comedy Rick Astley style glasses at the time of the photo taking I will include a picture of the internet in the deal. (I think I have a few laying around, give me a few minutes to check though ?)
  5. Kick his f**king face in ? If you could make his face resemble a douche and post a photo of it I'll buy you a new bike.
  6. Ahhh, cheers Kev and Forteh. I've never "seen" a valve set up like that, where the cams work under the rocker pedestal but it's a logical solution although there are more parts to wear. Some of the quad cam quattro valve set ups on things like lambo's and alfas are truly mind boggling !
  7. Well, rockers work on a rocking pedestal. As something pushes up on one side it pushes down on the other. So unless the cams sit under the rocker pedestal and push the rockers up onto the valves I can't see how it would work.
  8. So then it's got to have manual tappets, on a modern diesel car. I don't think so !
  9. To be honest I can't see the point. Pushrods work on cams in the block....Cambelts work with cams in the head. It's impossible. Unless it's a DOHC with pushrods and over head cams hahahahaha
  10. I guess one would be correct. I can't be right all the time Grifo.
  11. Look at his comments.... Looks like it ?
  12. Yeah, I'm not sure on there own T's and C's but 150K is a f**king stupidly long time for a cam belt. I changed one with a stanley knife once...... Start the motor up, slit half of the belt with the knife. Stop the engine and slide the outer edge out, slide the new belt on, cut the inside of the old belt and push the new one on. Let the tensioner take up the slack and drive off into the sunset..... haha, those were the days !
  13. Ford say the change time is 150,000 or 10 years which ever is soonest.
  14. How does it have rockers if the cambelt snapped Wtf's that all about....
  15. I get this ALL the f**king time. And we've got a compressor at work, so we really fire them up. Some nipper who's got the nickname "cat shagger" because he shagged a cat (funnily enough) asked us to pump his tyres up. So we gave him the compressor attachment and told him to poke it on the valve and then hold the button down till it stopped. HAHAHAHAHA, the wheel just imploded and he started crying because he was so shocked. That'll teach the dirty b*****d.
  16. +AppropriateNumericalDigit for Joe Blow.
  17. I know as well as anybody does that some dog owners are bellends. The point i'm making is that most dog owners (I hope) pick up there shit. But where I live there are allot of horses and they ALL shit on the roads, roads which people walk and cycle on. And I have NEVER seen ANYBODY cleaning up a horses shit in my life. And please drop the over exaggerated opinions. They make you look like a half wit, which most people know your not.
  18. Think it's going to be a Disco. But I've been looking at lotus Eclats/Excels. They seem to be going for 2K all day long, so they might be good for a bit of classic performance coupe loveliness. And I've been looking at Renault 5 Turbo's and Gordini's. So there you go, write away ! haha
  19. Thats double standards though, if dog owners have to clean it up why can horse owners trot off into the sunset ? Most people I know who own dogs are really responsible, it seems to be the minority of people who are wankers. You'll probably find the people who you would call "bad" dog owners are the same people who you see over and over again. I bet theres more responsible owners than irresponsible owners in your area.
  20. This is the biggest point. But to be honest, I'd be VERY concerned that there not taking you for a ride. I'd get at least two views on it before I paid all the money. The recommended cam belt mileage from Ford is 150,000 miles or 10 years. But 80/100k would be a more sensible time to have it done, so it's possible but not probable that its the cambelt.
  21. I won't have it for long. It's £595 with 8 months MOT and 6 months tax if anyone wants it.
  22. Your almost on one of my pet hates. A dog craps in the street, X amount of money fine. A horse walks down he road crapping absolutely f**king everywhere, no problems. People who are plate whoars, I f**king hate people who think a cars better simply because it's newer. People who think old cars are unreliable. There simply not, they are "fragile" so if you drive them like a new car then yes they might be unreliable. People who litter drop shit through my door all day long. People who come into work, try on every f**king cycling shoe in the world. Piss about with pedals for an hour, then drag 4 bikes out of the display stands without asking if it's ok while I'm with another customer then just walk out leaving the shop a f**king state.
  23. I own a clio. How f**king ridiculous. Although it does drive pretty nice to be fair, and as Will says. The Stereo is in a cool place
  24. Pretty much same for me, except I was doing Judo. Problem I had was I could be graded any higher than purple because my tutor didn't have the correct licenses so I would have had to go elsewhere. I did it at school every tuesday and thursday evening, my license has expired now I think. But yeah, it was pretty good
  25. JT, it's best just to aim low and score high. My aims ? Not to get banned. My score ? 7 out of 10 so far.
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