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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. I loved the simple, understated but quality look and feel of the Gucci one. You'll probably find it was made under license by one of those companies anyway. *Far from it Tom, I bought it at the jewelers next to John Lewis in Southampton about 2 years ago ! It was worth allot more than they are now. I'll have one of these one day (when I am really rich!) - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Original-Breitling-N...1QQcmdZViewItem I've got a Rolex aswell, but thats at my dads because he gave it to me but I didn't want to wear it for fear of it getting nicked and it's on his mantel piece in a case. I'll get a picture of it when I go to his on Sunday if you guys are interested ? It's not a particularly great one, but it was worth a bit in it's day. It's from the early 80's so it's worth -£150 now but it's still a nice movement.
  2. I just like looking flash when I go out, I go through phases of stuff. One week I'll spend all my wages on cars, then I'll spend the next week on clothes, etc etc I haven't got any over heads at all so I've got £300 to spend every week. Your only young once ? I've got a watch worth far more than that though. Heres my Gucci -
  3. Unlucky. G town is the shizz nit mo fo.
  4. The one next to Pizza Hut ? Opposite House Of' ?
  5. Shows how much attention you pay to TF.
  6. I would worry about it, it could be allot of things, air bags, ABS, anything ! If you take it into a dealer/mate with a tech 2 and get them to check the ECU for fault codes they'll tell you exactly whats up My money's on the "exclusivity" of them. They look pimp in white too French hot hatches have a certain feel about them, and with all the extra toys and shit in the GTI they just feel heavier and dull.
  7. Just get a Nixon. http://uk.nixonnow.com/home/
  8. It'll be an idle control valve.... But, it *should* come up with a log in the ECU. Get it plugged in, but replace the unit yourself (all plug and play)
  9. How wrong you are dick face.
  10. wow.... It's snowed again today, about the same again as last night ! Still going now.... WIKID.
  11. I like helmets, hard ones. Soft ones are shit
  12. Get some lovetones, the big cheese is the grand from-f**king-age !
  13. Rofls. I love this, it's like reading some Chinese MP4 players description on ebay. "This prestige MP4 DVD plays MP4, WMA and MDNA. This makes lovely wedding present for adults and kids"
  14. NO. Do what ever you can not to go through insurance. f**k the Pug, get HIM sorted then just rebuild the peugeot. You really don't need a claim on your record....
  15. I've been doing roundabouts at 40mph with full oppo' lock ! f**king mega fun ! Alread pulled 3 people out of ditches/verges, went laning this morning, this is the bollocks !
  16. Sounds like Thorpe Park ?
  17. Does this place have any height restrictions ? Family discounts ?
  18. Me in my disco , the boss in his disco, my mate Andy with a Classic RR, Dave with a 110 are all going laning today.
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