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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Message me your address Dan. There might be some nudes on there too.
  2. Until I'm finished with it, then it looks more like a vagina.
  3. Grammar, the difference between Mike using your girlfriends guys, and using your girlfriends, guys.
  4. Did anybody listen to this today? I lol'd. It's basically Trials Forum but on the radio. 4:05 made me ABSOLUTELY PISS.
  5. I think you'll find it's Matt's girlfriends mum who'll be frantically clearing her inbox...
  6. Never. Again. I moved 200 miles away from home to move in with my ex ex ex when I was 18, and stayed in an abusive relationship with a fat sack of shit for 4 years because I knew no better. At 18 you should be not knowing where you're going to wake up every night, f**king as many bitches as you can or working your arse off to line your pockets and retire early. Not moving in with your girlfriend and by the sounds of it her mum; unless you're f**king her mum of cause.
  7. I bet Tinder in Poland is literally the dirtiest poop covered f**k fest in the world. I've only shagged one Eastern European girl, she was Romanian. She f**ked like an absolute trooper.
  8. Literally 100% normal. It's just a sign of acceptance, when you lose the desire to see them and the excitement of coming home to them you need to worry. But being best friends with somebody you love is no bad thing.
  9. Yep. It's called life Alex. You either build on it and move forward calling it acceptance, or you jump ship and find someone new and exciting. Only you know the answer to that. But labouring the point will only ruin your relationship.
  10. Yeah, I'm setting up a porn business.
  11. I have my own office. People who have ther own offices will know what it feels like to have your first office. I can't wait to do some official officing in my office.
  12. I think we've all remembered that we got on really well when we all shared a common interest, which was back in the day Trials-Bikes. But now we've all grown up and moved onto other things, and have probably only recently decided that we've all got cars and tits in common and that all the people we used to get on really well with we've now got common ground with again.
  13. TF is rapidly spiralling into what it was in 2006.
  14. Haha! It's an odd one, motor trade has this weird ruling where the car you drive denotes your seniority within the sales force. It's antiquated and bollocks, but it's just the way it works. I would have the new off road look 500x when it is launched, so this is a bit of an interim thing. The after sales and service manager drives a 6 tourer, the general sales manager drives a CX5, the Mazda 3 is test driven all day every day so has to be on site all the time, the MX5 is not being replaced as a demo until the new one comes out and we have to run three Mazda 2's to display both engine and gearbox options. So they're giving me a 2 until they find a third salesman for Mazda. Because then they hit the manufacturers demo requirements. Complicated but it makes sense.
  15. Got promoted to manager, was told I couldn't have the Panda any more because it doesn't display the correct image. This made me very sad. So they gave me a black Mazda 2 Sport. I miss my Panda so much. But the new Mazda 2 is pretty fantastic. I'll post some pics later. I'd be buying a complete, ready built, all the work done car. Why waste loads of money doing something you can already buy completed for less than the cost of a reliable conversion?
  16. Mk5 GTI and 4k to supplement the fuel bill.
  17. Remember when I first met you Allen and you came with me to look at that POS 99 and we went in my 900. I knew you'd join in one day.
  18. It's only the old nut and bolt from the original hub nuts.
  19. Spartacus was just sleeping on my chest, resting his face against mine. All very cute. Then the little fanny sneezed in my face, woke up, puked all over my face, then threw his face in it and tried to go back to sleep!
  20. Just fitted the camber bolts, used my trusty iPhone to set it up.
  21. Trucks sold already for a grand profit. I've spent £70 on a full tank of diesel. That's how I rolllll.
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