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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Try the Wiki, bang in the middle of the screen at the top.....
  2. I've got a hope disc brake from the VERY early 90's on an old Claud Butler, it's one of the ones that was WAY to powerful to be any good haha. I've got a seat post clamp on my turbo trainer bike that came off a 70's Halford.
  3. I am logged in, but I've banned you and Kent for being annoying pricks.
  4. Not "trials" related, but the day I fitted a new set of Tyres to my Pashley I could get to work an easy 5 min's quicker and 10X easier.
  5. Got the confirmation email to say my membership payment had been received from Muddy Bottom. Which means I'm good to roll tomorrow !!! YEY !!!!
  6. You'll win, Callum will be here for ever. You might still save yourself...
  7. You know we probably shouldn't be doing this ? Added to warn level Reason, Other - Please refer to the Trials-Forum guidelines to avoid further warnings. No selling in NMC you numpty. Warned on Nov 15 2008, 12:23 AM Removed from warn level http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....p;#entry1740819 Warned on Nov 15 2008, 12:23 AM Removed from warn level http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....p;#entry1740819 Added to warn level "Your mum takes it in the bum." Warned on Jun 29 2008, 02:19 AM Added to warn level So yeah, "Bull shitting little cock sniveling f**k pig." You were on 40%, maybe try holding back a bit in future... Warned on Feb 14 2008, 11:09 PM Added to warn level Reason, Other - Please refer to the Trials-Forum guidelines to avoid further warnings. Whole "e-Thug" shit again, it's well old, no-one's impressed. Warned on Jan 9 2008, 09:47 PM Added to warn level Reason, Other - Please refer to the Trials-Forum guidelines to avoid further warnings. I popped the names out of mine, just to save any arguments.
  8. You've joined the forum, posted shit, somehow been validated, posted shit, been told off, said your sorry, posted more shit, been told to stop posting shit by other members, insulted the members who offered you advice, said your sorry, posted shit, been put in NMC, now your posting shit. The clue to stop posting shit should have been when members of the forum (NOT admin/mods) told you to stop posting shit. Were all sound enough to try and help you out, help you get on with people. But you've not helped yourself, so now the patience (mine anyway, and I'm sure other) has run out. Now stop posting shit, stick to NMC posting constructive posts of more than a few words and man the f**k up.
  9. [rant] Good, I hope you die soon. [/rant]
  10. So much for this "most users on line" effort, they'll all be banned for there stupidity.
  11. YES YES YES !!!! Why isn't this the new Validation Process ?
  12. I can send you one ? Make it a fiver and I'll get one in the post tomorrow morning ?
  13. Seen that 400+ BHP supercharged 110 in last months LROI ?
  14. You'll still be a spamming willy though. I may be interested in a challenge with somebody, but only if it involves something with minimal involvement ?
  15. I don't know why were all perving on Hannah Banana, fair enough shes a really nice girl. But she's hardly give it some material, in any way shape or form. (No offense Solo, it's just your not that sorta person)
  16. Sorry to hear it, sorted now though ?
  17. Thats nothing, I won't even begin to tell you about todays events..... Where have you been OBM? You've been a bit quiet recently ?
  18. We've got a little Ipod Dock behind the desk playing music. Aparently it's been like that for years with no problems. My mums owned a clothes shop for 20 years and has always played CD's through a Player and never had any problems. Just do it.
  19. I know. I miss the capitalized Circus. *Allen you dirty f**ker, you haven't changed your bedding for like a week ?
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