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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. No, he got demoted to NMC because he hasn't proved he can interact with other members of the forum without upsetting everyone.
  2. No, thats it. He is just a willy...
  3. Fixed Having had Jason and Nick on webcam in my car it's done now !
  4. No, I am IN the car with nick on the webcam and when I press it nothing happens, TP mean tape in this case... IM A MONG. My car is silver, and TP doesn't mean tape hahaha
  5. no owners manual, and no button on it
  6. How do you turn the traffic thingy off on my Passat ? It's pissing me right off, everytime I get a groove on to a CD it keeps butting in ! Remap on wednesday
  7. I'm quite insulted ! I used to be a bloody legend around these here parts, but to be fair I got interested in interesting shit in the same week as I joined TF haha
  8. I am a modifying genius. Drop it like it's hot, cos' I've got a Golfball.....In my Passat !
  9. Flocking hell ! - Will post some propper (if a bit wet...) photo's of my Pissrat later !
  10. Well, Fire XC's have very thin walls. I wouldn't recommend running them below 20PSI to avoid flats, but all in they are a very nice tyre
  11. I think, (not that I've ridden another mod...) that it rides very well. It sits on the back wheel perfectly, and is very hoppy. I managed to pop a 2Ft side-hop on my first roll on it after not riding trials for a year+, which is good I'm not supposed to be riding it really, but I couldn't resist a quick roll seeing as I've never ridden a Mod.
  12. Your a f**king disgrace. Get off your high horse, your no better than the new members because you've been a full member. You are worse. You were a full member and you proved yourself to be such a tool that you were demoted, so put the keyboard down until you can control your forgetful fingers.
  13. I have to say, if you saw his car you would f**king freak out.
  14. What do you mean ! I can't believe he won't sell that back to me I've offered him so much money for it (almost twice what he paid!) and he still won't get back to me, I swear he's just trying to upset me....
  15. Ahhhh, you say that but the Geo is mint ! And de stickered it and with a decent crank/bar and stem it would look pretty sweet
  16. Hopefully going to get a bit more riding in now, thats if I don't sell it first ! I'm undecided on wether I have it myself or not. Don't mock it's "mission-ness", it rides really nicely.
  17. Such a bloody tune, these guys ruled. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  18. Nice wheels ! Sam best keep her act up, you'll have pussy falling off that wagon Glad your back dude, catch you on MSN tonight !
  19. It'd probably be quicker to say what it *wouldn't* breach ! Theres a LOT of garages around Southampton, so good luck winning business and I hope it all works out
  20. Pot Plant and a Card with a window hanger that says "Your Smiles Better Than Sunshine " Cheese f**king-tastic, but it makes her happy which is all that counts.
  21. Get a 20VT Passat Sport, I've just picked one up for pennies
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