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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Pashley26


    You won't find a better bike. The Cubes are lovely, I build and sell loads of them every day and there is never a bad one. Get this for a bit of trivia, the guy who deals with the distribution of Cube in the UK used to manage Steve Peat. Cube are cool in a sense that they sometime send out amazing kit on low end bikes. IE the other day I had a £500 Attention come through with a set of Mavic Crossride wheels and Stroker Ryde brakes. Simply because that was all they had that fitted in the warehouse !!!
  2. Don't smoke with them on ! I've got little white spots from where I did, and then had them removed. Now I've stopped smoking and brush 3 times a day the little white squares are going away haha
  3. Advanced Driving Course tomorrow. NOTHING comes between me and cheap insurance.
  4. Yeah, I wouldn't mind this explaining myself actually ?
  5. Rawwww dudes ! Best night/day/EVER ! I turned up at work, and I was a bit "meh'", then the boss said I needed to go back to his house to pick up some 12 and 14" bikes because we didn't have any in the shop. I was a bit bummed because I hate building bikes and I wanted to do some fun shit.... I turned up at his house and there was a MASSIVE bouncy castle full of bubbles and loads of bottles of fairy liquid Had such a fun day it was awesome ! I'll get the photos off his phone some time, probably on Thursday ! I got a Golf GTI brochure for the right month and year for my Golf from bubbles, also a momo leather gear knob and an alcohol breath tester (which is off the guage at the mo' !) My aunt gave me £20 of Hellfrauds vouchers (much needed!) My Gpar's got me a fitted Mk2 golf car cover. My mum paid for my driving course tomorrow. My sister gave me a few T's (one says "smile like a retard LOL) a pair of Ed Hardy budgie smugglers and a Jack Daniel's belt buckle. And all in all I had a bloody wicked day and everything is great ! Went for a massive long drive in the sun in the 100e, had a Curry with the family, and went down the pub Whoop whoop !
  6. Not until the end of May. I've got £181 a week to spunk on it while I enjoy the cheapness of the 100e, so I've got a rather long list of "to buys" between now and then.
  7. Yeah, I guess the Queen isn't that important. I see how you could have overlooked her.... Cheers guys, I wish I could say something cool is going to happen today but it's not ! Just another day at work. Much love :wizard:
  8. You know what could be cool between now and then ? Making some sort of a meet for us southern monkeys, as in Pompey on a Sunday ? Meh'z
  9. Looks pretty exact, make sure your pencil is sharp ! Those few micrometers might make the difference between it working and death !
  10. I tried, and my boss tried to get hold on Jon to do our site and he didn't even get back to us ! Meh', somebody else is doing it now.
  11. Nor was I when I got warned. I was simply recommending a good product at a good price... Not that I'm bitter or anything
  12. No buying or selling in NMC ! I got a 20% warn for say less than that, so watch it or I might jump on the injustice band wagon !
  13. I actually reported you for validation after that joke, your my new best friend.
  14. Ahhh man, I've go 2 cats and a Rottweiler. Cat numero uno - I'll get a pic' of number 2 in a mo. And my baby ! Bron if literally the coolest thing ever... And Bron with my sister a few months ago, he's like twice the size now !!!
  15. Meh', your right on insurance groups but a GT would be cheap as f**k to insure. It'd probably work out about £50 a week which ain't all that bad ? Get a polo, there pretty cool for non-golfs !
  16. Download "Safari", it's got a spell checker (like Microsoft Word, it underlines the mistakes in red then you right click and pick the right spelling) and read a few more books then !
  17. Shit dude, are you for real ? I don't mean to get on your back or anything but out just a little bit of effort into your posts ?
  18. No, I'm wathching Gordon. +1 channel.
  19. I accidently a f**ked up sentence.
  20. Sciroccos are pants anyway.... *lies*
  21. Speakers are for pussys who can't drive fast cars. Save the speaker money and make your car go faster ! Even if I did have speakers I'd never hear what came out of them - Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
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