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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Pashley26

    Danny Mac'

    I had a little kid and his parents come in the shop today looking for a 20" bike... I show the kid a Felt Q20.....he asks "does it do flips off trees like that guy on youtube ? He's a god." And I've had SO many people come into work with an interest in trials bikes, NOBODY has even been interested in the Phases etc etc at work for a few months but now everyone wants them ! So anybody else noticed an increased interest since Danny Mac's new vid's ?
  2. Where abouts do you live in London? If it's my side I'll pick you up and drop you off for £15 ?
  3. Get a life, if you want to make a stand about wether men clean up or not I suggest you do a bit of research/get a few more mates and reevaluate your position...
  4. Because England is the only place with people dumb enough to think wearing spandex and silly shoes and riding bikes with no seats and fog horns for brakes is cool...
  5. I like how he's wearing a helmet... haha
  6. Tony Hawks ollied between two sky scrapers.
  7. I used to drink 7/8 cans of coke a night. A night consisting of half 6 to 11.
  8. I have +/-two bottles of Bulmers a night, hardly an alcoholic...
  9. Pashley26

    Barf Or Baff

    Another one for "Barth" Only a twat pronounces there th's as f's.
  10. Ahhh ok dude, shame because i'd have liked to meet you ! Sounds pretty serious ?
  11. A Tracker bar. Followed by a Cesar Salad and Garlic Bread.
  12. Don't mean to get on your back or anything, but just thought I'd second the "don't know how you strip your pedal threads" notion.. I've been working in Bike shops for over 4 years, and I've built over 1000 bikes and I've never had one come back saying the pedals fallen off.... But good luck fixing it, it's be a shame to throw a good set of burns' for the sake of a thread ! Try getting one of the inserts for the Truvativ cranks or something, might be able to do something with that ?
  13. If you want a lift there and back free of charge my passengers seats all yours !
  14. You can talk ! I had everyone pulling my leg trying to get me to believe you were ACTUALLY Danny Mac' the other day haha
  15. You were just watching the simpsons weren't you ? I was, and I saw the advert And Bruce, it worked for Rhino ! HAHA
  16. The type that doesn't pulls pre-pubic teens ? Oooops, sorry it appears there isn't any !
  17. Yeah same for me, just pick on everyone else who might sarcastic as well next time brev'
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