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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Right he's gone to bed now, you can close it without him crying
  2. Damn, nothing worse than fly guts in your toes.
  3. Well, I never *really* got Simps. But I've been chatting with him on MSN for the last few days and he's sound as a pound, and I understand all his jokes and online piss takes. I think people should be given a chance before assumptions are made. However, Nick deserves a firing squad.
  4. People who block shift f**k me off. If your block shifting your not in full control of the vehicle because your normally coasting up to junctions (another of my pet hates...COASTING!), and it's BAD on older gearboxes. You can't block shift in a lot of the cars I drive due to work syncros and selectors due to block changing.
  5. You are wrong. You can take a cancelation if you've already got a test booked, I'm unsure if you can just book a canceled test online without already having one booked. I booked a test for a few weeks away online when I got home from my theory test then though "f**k it, I'm not waiting that long." And looked for a cancelation, one came up for 11 the next morning in Winchester and I booked it. Went and sat through a bit of theory with the guy I'd booked my driving course with and then went for it.
  6. I had a theory test on the monday, and an intensive driving course (3 day jobbie) booked up. I was set to take my test about two weeks after my theory, but a cancelation came up online so I did it the next day in a rush of unprepared-ness and nerves. Passed though, which was nice
  7. Mine was booked well in advance, and I bumped it forwards through an online cancelation. If you rape the DSA site you can normally pick up a canceled test within a few days. I don't know anything about a 10 working days jobbie though ?
  8. I did my theory test on the morning of my Birthday (April 21st) and passed my Practical at 11 the next morning with no lessons.
  9. Don't go on OTN, there a bunch of douches.
  10. It's not a Tractor you unintelligent toad. You couldn't even GUESS what I paid for it haha, but I love it
  11. Isn't this like the 9th tim you've made an apology for generally being a twat ? I'm beyond caring now, but just stick to what you say this time.
  12. As much as people who "wave you down" when your doing 40 through a country lane and they see it as "TOOO FAST" ? I normally drop it down into like second and then floor it whilst shouting WANKERZZZZ at these sorts (IE Pompey ride haha)
  13. oh my god, thats the thing I love most about old Saabs ! I even run with my lights on ALL THE TIME so it feels like I've got day time running lights !
  14. Can you tell what my new toy is yet ?
  15. Why not just phone up Tarty Bikes and ask them whats the most suitable for you then get them to send you one ? Bloody kids.
  16. LOL,Glen you so need to get a f**king grip on reality. I do exactly the same as you do with cars, what I've got is the shit and what everyone else has got is inferior. But what your doing is like me saying a pedal car is faster than an electric one, it simply isn't!
  17. Same as above. I went round to Chris's house and her sister and her sisters boyfriend anda ll his family and her family were there in Man U shirts (her mums boyfriend hates football haha!) and I was saying they were going to loose. Then when her sisters boyfriend say the like up he says "Were f**ked..." and so the drinking commenced ! And needless to say Barcelona pulled through for me again !
  18. Barcelona are winning 3-1 I'm going round Chris's house to watch it, she's got her whole family round there in man U shirts and I've got a Barcelona jacket to wind them up haha !
  19. WO WO WO NELLY ! Hold your horses dude, this blokes making a BMW engined RWD Scirocco out of popsicle sticks and copydex. He knows what he's talking about [/irony] I love you really Allen :$
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