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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Meh' Its having a 200TDI in it now, or I can buy it off him for £6/700ish and then put a 200TDI in it myself. Already got the "donor" discovery with a good manual 200tdi in it up the yard, just need to work out how much I can spend on him, I would like to buy the 110 then move it to up the yard. Then once he's all bought and paid for I want to think about sticking the engine in it, then getting it on the road. Problem for me is keeping it somewhere, Kim's (Jims missus', the mother of my best friend and my teacher at school) dad has a farm in Romsey where I can keep a few bits, but it'll mean driving all the way to Romsey to swap cars about and I won't be able to keep an eye on them or just pop over in the evening to give them a clean. However, they will be dry stored and under a cover behind a locked barn door.... Decisions, decisions, decisions indeed !
  2. Isn't she lovely..... This is Jims, we were out trying to get it to run yesterday morning.....No luck... It's a V8 ex RAF 110, it's got a spark out of the bores, it's got fuel and the timing is SPOT ON. But it won't fire. (might be mine if it doesn't go soon....)
  3. A compact frame is exactly that, a slightly smaller and shorter frame which lowers the center of gravity making them more nimble and allowing the rider greater agility through the turns.
  4. Whats the acronym I'm looking for.... Oh yeah ! LOL
  5. One of Simpsons charity shags, she's holding a sign saying "Dear Jarrod, Saabs are shit. Love Simpson x"
  6. PCSO's are shit, he's not a PCSO, but for the record PCSO's are shit. I know this, I have to deal with them every day....
  7. Pffffft, sounds stupid to me. If you had a tuned to f**k 200 TDI or a proper injected V8 you wouldn't need a silly starter motor
  8. Oh shit, I didn't know it was those pictures ! LOL, I didn't think that was somebody off the forum !
  9. It was never proven, and innocent until proven guilty rules the roost I'm afraid.
  10. Really ? I love that game and was playing it about half 7 when I got back from work...
  11. Yes. They kept him in a Coma so his family could "see him off", it's customary in America. Now he is dead.
  12. As I said, his sister Latoya arrived and now he's pronounced dead. Now I can say... RIP Jackson, you WILL be missed and modern music will be a lesser place without you.
  13. There keeping him alive artificially so his family can get there and say goodbye, unfortunately thats how it works in America. Thats what I'm saying, and I bet I'm right....
  14. Is that fo' real Danny ? Not being funny but check Sky News on Sky 501.... Right, it's on BBC news now live.
  15. Haven't posted a proper post yet, but obviously I'm a bit shocked ! RIP Wacko, a genuinely talented and revolutionary guy. Music will not be the same without him !
  16. Get a grip you f**king idiot, Sky news OWN BBC.
  17. TMZ.com has just been updated.
  18. Happened seconds ago, Sky 501. They've had somebody on the phone live updating as events unfolded.
  19. Literally a few seconds ago.
  20. Pashley26


    Michael Jacksons dead.
  21. Nice.... I don't get the "no need for a clutch to start it" bit though, don't you just bang it in park with a foot on the brake if its an auto or put it in neutral if it's a manual ? I might go to a trial this weekend, theres one on Saturday night at Slab apparently so it might be worth a trip in the monster if Nige' is going. It's got a set of green Mach's on it now
  22. Gutted, it must be bollocks then I do know one other thing that is real cos' I did it, but it's not scary for you guys though.... In Wield theres "Wield woods", which is a pretty big wood which has a small church on the edge of it. As a kid I lived in Upper Wield and was always told I could play anywhere I liked as long as it wasn't at Laylee's yard (pikey truckers yard) or in Wield woods, aparently there was a hut in the middle of the woods where the dead bodies were stored of people killed by the Laylees. The woods is very much like the wood in the Blair Witch Project and it's all dead wood and colorless, really spooky places, one day me and my sister went for a walk through Wield Woods hoping to get to Alresford and we got lost. We got really scared of and started to panic, me and my sister went running through the woods following the remains of a path until we came out behind Laylees yard ! We were really scared of the Laylees and turned back following the path, then my sister turned on the scare tactics and kept stopping and hiding behind trees as we were running away. Then we got split up and I could find her and I was lost in the middle of the woods without her (I was only about 8/9 at the time) and I stumbled across a clearing with a wooden shack in the middle of it. This wooden shack was really creepy and the door was half open, I peered inside and there were loads of animals being hung and I was really freaked out by it. I started crying and stuff and then I heard someone come through the woods towards me so I went and his behind a felled tree for hours until it was starting to get dark and I slowly made my way home. I got home eventually but it was like the scariest walk ever, and when I got back my sister was at home and my mum was really worried about me. But I didn't have a clue what had happened and didn't leave the house for anything (even school) for 2 weeks ! haha...
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