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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Literally the gayest answer you could have given....
  2. I know Adam, I haven't got anything against you (or Jon) I just fancied a quick lolcat.
  3. How could you get me and Tom confused, he's much worse than me !
  4. How bad is that.... Point well made
  5. I would put in a grand piano/getting owned by your dad joke joke, but the point I'm making is that me and Jon are of an age of responsibility and maturity, so we shouldn't be sat at home making up petty arguments on a web based forum. So it'd be a bit hypocritical...
  6. Grow up Jon, you (and I) are not 12 any more.
  7. I'm not going to amuse you by arguing over which is right because there both grammatically incorrect... "oh-ten"
  8. Well, it sounds better than saying the "two thousand and ten" bikes doesn't it ? "Oh-ten" or "twenty ten" sound much better than "two thousand and ten". And when it comes round to 2023 people will probably say "twenty twenty three" instead. People call the 2001/2002/2003/2004/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009 bikes "Oh-whatever" so why not for the 10's ? I mean, nobody calls the 2012 olympics the two thousand and twelve olympics do they ? No, they all say twenty twelve...
  9. Stopped to get my Digital Radio and phone charger, like f**k I'm going 5 days with no Planet Rock !!!
  10. Me and my mum have got it. 5 days off work by the looks of it I sent Muel a photo of my anti pig protection suit.. Upload it if you love me
  11. Got some Kinks and Hoffmans turn up today we'd been waiting for ages for. The kinks were nice, but the Hoffmans ! I wouldn't have had one as a gift !
  12. Fuel tank, needs to be in the bed
  13. Move that tank into the bed and it'll be a winner !
  14. Yeah, but I'm guessing he wants an older version of something hence the difficulty in downloading it legit' ? Or am I missing the point here ? What is CS2 ?
  15. Loads of people will do you custom cycle clothing, but I'd recommend having a word with a Spanish company called "Massi". If your a Massi dealer I'm sure they'll knock something up for you, they did for us
  16. Added a 0, current bikes are 0-9 bikes then the next years will be 0-10. Or, thats how I'd say it rather than 2010. You haven't seen the stock room out the back or the workshop yet...
  17. Yes, because your constantly making little improvements then they got covered up by more shit ! As for the hotwheels 010 bikes, they might look good but they'll never have any in stock so meh'. And yes, Massi the Spanish bike company are importers for Shimano.
  18. Harry Enfields character "Tim Nice But Dim" Our very own boy wonder, Tom !
  19. Pink Floyd - Pow R Toc H Youtube Video -> Original Video f**king TUNEAGEEEE.
  20. No buying or selling in NMC dude, and that includes saying your mates got something ! Silly boy....
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