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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Haha, my dads old landlord has got an 1893 Whitney steam car. It's so cool, we used to go down the pub on it and shit ! Norton you say ? I like inters, and my dad used to have a big 4 when I was younger.
  2. Ahhh ok, I'm just a bit curious because the guy my dad always uses has recently died so were going to have to get a "proper" MOT on the bikes next year.
  3. I'm 100% on there being an age stipulation in there somewhere, for instance my A7 had no indicators at all and isn't limited to a day time MOT ? Brakes didn't work, rims are rotted through (can see the tube through them...), pisses oil everywhere and there are no baffles in the exhaust ! Or am I missing what your saying ? Heres my A7, which passed with no advisories when my dad tested it for me last - I can't wait to be able to ride it legally, it'll be so cool to go out with my dad for rides and stuff !!!
  4. I'm hardly a silver tongued cavalier, however I've found recently the best thing to do is just to step back and get on with your life. No point in chasing them if they don't want to be chased, no matter how much you want them !
  5. I've always had a pretty friendly MOT tester, and I haven't MOT'd a bike since I had my FS1e ! Just sitting out my D/A until I can get out on my bike legally !
  6. On older bikes, no. I'm guessing you have a new bike so yes you do need them. I don't know the exact dates, however I think it's as good as "if it had them when it was new, it has to have them now".
  7. Hey, I'm not offended or anything but somebody else who's a bit more up tight might have taken offense to that. I know what TF is like, a lot of people don't. Anyway, hows the life of a Danny Mac' look-alike ?
  8. Who cares if the cat was "ugly", I was clearly quite attached to it so being cunts over it is a bit harsh. Don't you think ?
  9. Grow up Joe. You don't like me, big deal ?
  10. I love my cats. I miss Billy loads, I can't believe I can't cuddle him anymore or anything. He was my best mate, used to sleep with me every night and he used to follow me everywhere. When I was younger and went away to boarding school he used to pine for me and scratch on my door to try and get in, he was the best This is him about 2 hours before he died, we all kinda knew it was going to happen so we took him home and made him happy
  11. To be fair it was pretty out of character and I had been on it last night, and lets face it I'm right... The video was pants, and little videos like that should be in BOTI or on the BMX forum (which he's a member of anyway).
  12. Sweet, Pompey meet on Sunday the 18th ? Meet up for 11 at Micks' or something ?
  13. I was drunk as f**k last night, so I apologize for my bluntness however I was on the right lines...
  14. Shit tread get inb BOTI or f**k off to BMX FORUM.
  15. I'm ao drunk so takr this with a bit of sqlt. Bbut she phoned me today adn was really cool with me and asked if we were sstill going out on Wednewsdty night. I told her it wasm y day off on Wednesday and she coult stop in on her way from ework and see howthings went
  16. I've lost interest, if your interested go talk to somebody that cares. I don't really care, I was just talking about what I've been taught and believe to be true. I believe the man existed, and I believe he might have done some "amazing" things at the time. I don't think he was the son of god though, I think that was bull shit which has been expanded on for thousands of years ever since.
  17. It's not something that I can "show" you on the internet, if you genuinely care then go ask a real Historian or something ? Not a Christian, not an Evolutionist a proper unbiased Historian. I'm saying that a man called "Jesus" existed and he made a bit of a following, and that is has been documented in Roman books and records. You cannot argue that "somebody" had to have done "something" for these stories to get written ? And any lie, no matter how big or small it is will always start with something factual.
  18. Ok, web based arguments are so last year anyway... :kiss:
  19. Ahhh ok, so your just arguing any point that is made over Christianity ? Basically being a critic ?
  20. Ahhh noooo, I think you might be getting the wrong end of the stick dude. I've been hanging back as much as, these "events" have happened over 4/5 weeks. I've been making a concerted effort to not be clingy and to just go with the flow, probably only spoken to her every 2/3 days. I know what I'm going to do, I'm just going to carry on as is and see how things go. I just want to do it right so I don't f**k it up, as per usual.
  21. I said I was going but meh', you haven't proven anything either though ? Go on, prove he didn't exist ? There are more people who say he did exist than didn't...
  22. You say that, but she's just text me whilst I was arguing over Jesus saying she's had a hectic day at work and she'd love to meet up at the weekend and saying she hopes she hasn't upset me by being funny. Also, she never mentioned "harassing" her its just the way she came across was that she felt harassed. Maybe I just caught her at a bad time ? Also, it's not always a case of me asking her out and me paying for everything so she's getting a free ride. A couple of times she's told me when to be ready and picked me up/paid for everything and is 50% of the time asking about when were meeting up again next.
  23. Hey, you're so curious why don't you go do the work ? End of, I'm out of this thread for the simple fact it's an unsolvable argument.
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