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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Haha, all I remember about my one is how everybody thought I was a pro because I turned up with DT100's on the first day. Retards... I'm going to the airport to pick up my BFFL, wish me luck in finding Heathrow Terminal 3... OP - Get on "Drum-Forum" then...
  2. Well what the f**k else am I meant to say ? "Yeah, I play the drums.." would be as stupid and pointless as the OP, so you want people to *simply* post pictures of their drum kits and not talk/whatever about drumming ? If thats the case just google "drum kit" and click images. Whats with posting a photo of your drum kit and then "post a photo of your drum kits heres mine ", if it's not for the fact that you want people to know you've got a drum kit ? And I'm the one bragging... f**king retards. Hendrix, you know what I mean. National Diploma is as you rightly say what I mean, sorry for the jaw dropping confusion...At least I'm fairly sure it is, it was the single term course (one year jobbie) which gave you an internal certification of being able to count to 4. Calling it a degree was probably overstatement of the year, they don't even run the same timetable as when I did it ! However I was in a rush to get it typed up before I go out (which I'm now not doing...)
  3. Looks ok I guess. Been drumming for 11 years now, got a Percussion degree from the ACM and did a load of small gig work back in the day, kinda bored of it now. Matt Priest (Lightning Seeds, Dodgy) was my drum tutor for 4 of those years, he wrote a paragraph about me in Rhythm about a year ago which was quite cool I guess. I've had everything from a Pearl Export with full Paiste Rudes to classic Ludwig kits not got any photos though, they all died with my Mac. But unfortunately for everybody who knows me I simply have to tap to just about everything Jed Garton on here is a pretty bitchin' drummer, I forget what his name is so it's not very helpful...
  4. Yeah, but most people opt for alloy ones. Jabbasport should have what you need. *Vibratechnics are the alloy/poly ones I'm on about http://www.newdimensions.com/00_global/04_...bra/mk2-g-j.asp
  5. Yeah it will look f**ked for a bit, trust me that is fine !
  6. Be a f**king man fat pants, I used to go up in 5/6MM incriments ! I went from a straight standard piercing to a 5MM stretch first time, just pick the scab off of it and then cotton bud it through. Run yourself a hot bath and then stick your head under water and let it heat up, then push a bigger one in and leave it for a couple of weeks to heal. It'll be fine. And before anybody says anything stupid, I had 26MM in my ears and they've gone back to nothing. And I used to hammer the stretchers through with books and stuff...
  7. f**k off nob winkle, what about EVERY Audi that was made from 1993 to 2005 (when they started to look like Winnie the Pooh) ? lol, amazing joke for you all... Whats grey and covered in curry ?
  8. Didn't think to ask in RSQ or the other camera thread thats running at the moment ? Sheesh Kennard...
  9. Best split then dude, she won't like a control freak. Especially at 16...
  10. Not if your 16, also your not her parent/guardian so you can't blag that law either...
  11. Don't bother fatty, I tried that with Christine and she just got worse and worse and doesn't talk to me any more. If it's drugs/booze on there mind just don't get involved, it'll f**k with their head and they'll turn against you
  12. I know, it's steeped in irony isn't it ? I'm still laughing about it now (I *actually* am laughing, my mum just came in the living room and asked me if I was alright!) ROFLCOPTERS....
  13. LOL, that was sheer brilliance. Under a Nazi oppression you'd have been starved/gassed/machine gunned to death for being so stupid, so maybe you should be thankful our grandfathers defeated the Axis powers...
  14. Have a look on "NothingLeavesStock" for some inspiration
  15. Right, this will sound retarded but doesn't brown bear look like the guy with the black face. The one with the jack hammer ? Youtube Video -> Original Video
  16. Irrelevant stuff to the conversation. Forget I made this post
  17. I found it quite funny too, I guess he was just shitting himself over his parents coming home haha. They've moved to southern ireland to a new farm now, so he's probably topped himself by now. Haven't spoken to him for a while actually, might try sending him an email !
  18. Did he manage to hang himself with a guitar jack ? Thats pretty impressive to be honest, a friend of mine tried to hang himself with a reel of bailing twine and just ripped his throat open and f**ked up his jaw. But he was still hanging from the barn rafters for 24 hours whilst he waited for his parents to come home and get him down. That woulda' been quite a shock...
  19. Just do the same as me ? Walk around looking like a f**king weirdo with an axe and a balaclava ? Failing that I'm saying Garry Glitter, if your missus is a midget it should be pretty easy to impliment. Or failing that I know a little girl who basically looks just like Maddie' (except she's not dead...) that you can borrow. In fact, when Prawn saw her he pretty much whipped his phone out and 999'd there and then.
  20. Sweet.... Make sure you have Torx bits (all the internals will be torx), and make sure you take out all screws/fixing before removing the door cards. All the electronic equipment will swap straight over, do you have to do the mirror aswell ? Just put it all back together as you take it off...
  21. I went on a XC ride once in one of those hats, they're terrible padded and almost cut into you where they are so hard. I don't suggest it !
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