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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. SO many supercharged Mini's don't run right though, it's just so cost ineffective and complicated when compared to turbo applications. I've personally never seen a supercharged Mini that didn't have a squeeling pulley or wasn't needing SOMETHING doing to it to finish it off. From my brief encounter with TurboMini's they take so much time and money to get right, and for the cost and time investment it just doesn't add up if you ask me. And yeah Slark isn't too far from home. That kit does look very keenly priced, that's changed my mind a little. IF it works.
  2. Ball joint splitters are shit, they ruin the gaitor. I have never once seen a track rod that wasn't complete. They should all come with the end thread and ball joint already pressed onto the rod. Like this - Just thread the nut back on the end of the track rod by a couple of threads and gently tap it up and out. Then use the locking bolt and the tie rod to unscrew it. I have probably done 30 track rods this way and never once damaged it. If you are replacing it then it wouldn't matter if you some how managed to damage it anyway.
  3. The Mini is fun, I have driven it a couple of times and it always makes me smile. But it just isn't fast enough. No it didn't get supercharged, Prawn realised that there are only a handful of succesfully and reliably supercharged Mini's in the country. And that they are gay. Supercharged Mini's are a funny thing, I think Nick wouldn't have been happy with something that wasn't perfect. And the chances of a perfect SC A series is rather slim.
  4. Have you guys not seen the odd wheels that it's got on lol? Standard S3 wheels on one side and OZ Super Turismo's on another, haha! You can see his mums awesome Polo in the reflection too. I hope I'm ok to post that picture, Prawn has put it on Facebook so it must be cool.
  5. It looks mean as f**k! LOL Spunky, Lou just came running into my room in tears with her iPhone screaming "IT'S ALIVE!!!!"
  6. Prawn has sent another picture of it, Tic has seen the picture and I am sure Spunky can see it too. I refuse to believe it is a write off, perhaps Prawn was just having some post crash blues but IMO it s totally repairable. I hope so amyway
  7. Oh my god, you even talk like Borat. Flol.
  8. That was obviously a HUGE joke lol f**k me would I love to earn 7k a month though, that shit would be epic. What saddens me most is how few people will appreciate the sacrefices and losses he has made in his life to fund this project. He has been living in a caravan away from his lovely lady and doing split shifts for the last couple of months, I guess the light at the end of the tunnel is his awesome track car. Which is no more Sounds super gay but if it is true then it is the end of an era for an entire group of friends, a load of us all grew up in and around this car. And went on to build and buy our own. Such a shame and a waste of an epic car that has been on an epic journey. Couldn't have gone in a better way though, on the ring where it belonged. So sad
  9. Not from a bloke who has been doing split shifts and taking home 7 grand a month it isn't lol
  10. Yeah it is a decent shout. Personally I think he Andy P's S4 shell is ripe for him now. Have you seen the shell he has?
  11. TT's have a lot of the same parts as his car has now though, and Prawn wouldn't fit in one lol. The only thing he could use on a TT would be his brakes and hybrid.
  12. The damage is to the chassis legs I presume. Either way if the cage and sell were the consumable items in the crash then it isn't so bad. The shell is worthless, and the cage is only £600. So for a 130+mph crash he has got off very lightly. The car is worth £1000's in parts, even without the crash if he was selling he would get for more in parts than he would as a whole car.
  13. My money is on him using the 1.8t Golf he has got on the driveway. EVERYTHING will swap straight across and with a slight modification to the cage that will too.
  14. Prawn says it is written off. Actual tears.
  15. I have but I am sworn to secrecy, I won't share anything Prawn hasn't put on facebook. 140mph facing the wrong way, always going to end in tears.
  16. Would you like me to put the standard at the end of every single post I make. So you can have an indicator as to if it is trolling, truth kr just piss taking?
  17. I love that video! A 1500 Triumph engine was the first engine I ever stripped, watching that video bought back some cool memories of back when I used to get my hands dirty. Great post, thanks Robin, that looks rad.
  18. I've seen him in comparison to Rothwell. I think I'd have him, ever since he's started being a receiver of swollen goods his forearm has been shrinking almost daily. I once beat Bigman in an arm wrestle, and Bigman is approximately 7 times the size of Kev. Sam, I am pretty certain that stuff is just concentrated creatine. That's the main ingredient anyway. But no, don't know anything other than that about it. Andee, stop fishing/just taking the piss.
  19. Kev. Let's meet up mid way and have an arm wrestle.
  20. Did you try and open it from the drivers side and pull one half of the glove box out of the dash, leaving the left hand side of the glovebox hanging and just about to break?
  21. I never understood why either, but since I've started properly looking at them and things I want one. I used to think they were the biggest bag of gay arse shit ever, but actually when you look at it an EP3 OR an ITRis a great chassis, both have one of the best production NA engines for their size ever made, well spec'd, good looking and comfortable. They're a great daily from everything I can see. They're not that bad Bob!
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