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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Just Hols. If you give it a few more revs it puts you at a nice position for the next gear, and it's arguable that to get to a given speed it's quicker to hold the gear than it is to change. Depends what I'm doing, usually I change gear at about 6500RPM.
  2. Went for a drive, discovered that the airfield at Lasham is open on Sunday's, painted my rear bumper (the wrong colour...) all is good. Off to the pub http://youtu.be/lY6wZ96GkWg
  3. Being a responsible leader and somebodies boss is hilarious. My trainee started crying at me the other day, my response was 'quit f**king grizzling, it won't work.'
  4. Take it out of the free iPhone 5 I sent you. I'll take it out of Luke's bum'ole. Debt settled?
  5. 5.5 yah. Thanks man, it's just that all my pads are dead so I don't actually have anything to correct it with so if you want me to do it then you'll have to buy the appropriate pad and compound. Whatever you want me to work with I'll work with. You haven't seen the Mk2 yet obviously, however here's this evenings effort. Totally unedited.
  6. Ok. In which case can you order an orange hex-logic pad for my DA, some microfibres and some Chemical Guys V34. Thanks.
  7. Vroooooomthshshhshshs
  8. Clayed the Mk2, steam cleaning the engine bay tomorrow to find the sources of the many leaks. Then going out for some BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOST!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Democracy my arse. We've got the right to vote, but we've not got the power to change f**k all other than the idiot who sits at the head of the table. People may well have died to allow us to vote, but we're only voting for nothing. I literally cannot see how it's any more consequential to my life than voting for Britain's Got Talent.
  10. Didn't vote, can't be f**ked. I couldn't give a toss about cunting students, couldn't give a f**k about deporting people, couldn't give a f**k about tax, couldn't give a f**k about anything. If there was a manifesto that said my bins would be emptied every week not fortnightly, or that the jobless sacks of shit that scrounge benefits would be employed by the council to cut my grass, sweep the pavements, help the elderly, and the smack heads who claim drug replacements would spend their days litter picking on the beach or doing something meaningful with their time to pay for the drugs, and be paid for their work out of my council tax then maybe I'd have bothered voting. As it was, I couldn't give a f**k so I just went to work for the evening and earned myself far more money than any new government would have saved me.
  11. Your mum works for UPS?
  12. I didn't realise you could mail order double penetration?
  13. How will they ever pull me out of a ditch now?
  14. Didn't realise you were there man!!!!! I was in work gear and in my company car unfortunately.
  15. Scotch eggs with runny yolks and chips for dinner. Happy as f**k. Also. http://www.waitrose.com/shop/ProductView-10317-10001-56160-Waitrose+Brittany+butter+with+sea+salt+crystals
  16. Needs lower splitter on the rear.
  17. It's not that I think the Golf will be faster, but it will be interesting to see how much slower it is. Everyone has always said that your car feels slow but really isn't, and everybody says that my car feels fast but isn't. So it will be fun to see how far from meeting in the middle those two opinions are. In all seriousness I think we could actually get on Lasham airfield for this on a Sunday or a late night. Quite often the gate is only closed rather than locked, and I've got a friend at the gliding club that might give me the heads up.
  18. Everyone is a cunit until they prove otherwise. I've lived my life by that, and it's served me well.
  19. It's 200yards from my front door... You also get £2000 off a Fiat 500.
  20. Sounds good to me. Nothing much, I was thinking I could order Dominos and drink beer. You're welcome to join.
  21. Coming to mine Wednesday night?
  22. I agree with Rich. My Mk2, 70% there. I've got 100% of the car for 30% of the effort and cost. My S3, 70% there. I had 100% of the car for 30% of the effort (not so sure about cost...I swapped a £6500 car for a £3500 car, spent £3000 on it and sold it for £3500...£6000 loss in six months...). And there's something nice about saving a "failed" or abanadoned car, keeping it on the road and stopping it being parted out and taking it to the next level.
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