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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. I've got one, you can try mine for a bit before you buy?
  2. I'll think about it haha.
  3. Pay my time and it's a deal haha. I am owed a trip up to see Mr Garrett to sort out his beauty some time... - Cool beans Rbird, book Thursday and we'll hope for good weather. If there is anything that you need sorting bodywork wise then let me know, or if there is any immediate issues be sure to ask and I'll try and help. I think we'll Acid X it back and start a fresh, as long as you're happy to put a good few hours into it. I'll try and teach you a couple of bits.
  4. To be fair his wife does f**king stink, so it's probably true. I'm not sure you understand quite how much I would love to do that Rbird. Thursday is my day off and I'm free all day for you. Is it metallic black? I've spent the last 6 weeks saving the black paint on the A3, so I've got some very good products to make it tip top. Have you got £150ish spare? I'll give my mate a ring and we'll get you some coilovers, I'll introduce you to Phil Miller and you'll be gangster as f**k within a couple of weeks. Phil Miller has got a set of 18" BBS CH reps kicking about with good tires on them too, I'll see how much he wants for them. Same as this - Apart from LCR wheels they are the only acceptable shoes for a Leon.
  5. The bloke that owns the Chinese across the road just came out and gave me a tub of crispy chilli beef and said "you wash car more than my wife has showers...hahahahaha" What a hero.
  6. Why does your shift tower look so upset? Tic, sell Rainbird the Leon and drive his diesel thing about for a bit. You'd be a mug to turn down his offer if it is the right price but the wrong time, the first lesson I learnt in selling cars is that the first offer is always the best offer. x
  7. How has this not occurred to me yet. Tic is used to driving shit cars, and now has a Leon but will be selling it when he leaves the country. (Hopefully for good) Rainbird currently has a slightly above shit car which does 731 miles to the gallon and will be a piece of piss to sell for the right money, and the money saved on fuel will hopefully give Tic a higher chance of being gone for good. This strikes me as odd, because it's so obvious I cannot believe I didn't think of it myself. Bravo whichever genius thought of that; bravo.
  8. That's the way it goes Keep waiting, the right car WILL turn up and you will love it.
  9. Yes Robin, I will be. See you then?
  10. Took a half day at work today because it was ****ing dead. Sorted out a load of shocking stuff inside my car, gave it a proper hoover, treated all the plastics, fixed my cubby hole door and a load of other little bits. No pictures of fixing the cubby hole door, but basically the little lobe on the mechanism had snapped off so I heated up a pin with a lighter and softened the plastics, then forced the pin into the mechanism and snipped the end off the pin and re-attached the spring. I cannot stand my ****ed climate panel and all the scratches from women being idiots and being unable to press switches without using their nails. I really need some nice new mats! I also cleaned my engine bay, good old Duck Oil Sprayed it EVERYWHERE and then just wiped down the bits I could get to. Will smell nice when I start it up tomorrow I am going to spray the IC pipes and the inlet crackle black at the weekend; I've got enough for the inlet so I'll do that first. The car is nearly at a point that I am happy with it cosmetically. Phil has got a set of leather Recaro's I might buy if he decides to sell them, and we're going to lower it a little bit on Sunday but otherwise that's it
  11. Some general information about two of the most common recirculating dump valves on the market that I have written - Haven't written a how to for a while, so here go's Spotted a Baileys DV on ebay for a friend the other day which was listed as faulty, took a punt on it knowing it wouldn't be too hard to fix anything due to their simplicity. Annnywho. I've got a Forge 007p with loads of springs, and the DV Phil has got is a Baileys DV30. A good time to do a comparison and service on the two. Servicing a 007p - It's a really simple design, you simply unscrew the top and you're in. Here's a quick look around the DV before I started - Unscrew the top, it's tight but you will be able to do it by hand. So with the top unscrewed the spring will push the cap off like so - Pull the cap off and you have this - Remove the spring and you will just have the piston say within the valve - Then by pushing your finger in the bottom of the valve you will be able to push the piston out. It looks like this - As you can see mine is very worn; and it's leaky. That said it is 4 years old. It is typical to see wear marks in the areas shown on mine, but use common sense to work out if it is leaking or not. If you look inside the valve you will see two O rings at the top of the valve, you can pull these out with your fingers - With the O rings removed you can clean the seats they sit in with a cloth and have a good clean out within the valve itself. When clean replace the O rings with new ones; these are in the Forge service kit along with a new piston - After you have refitted the O rings you can press the piston back in; make sure you grease the piston and O rings otherwise the valve will stick open. I've used lighter spray oils in the past and they dry out the seals and cause them to play up - You can then refit the spring, I'll touch on the different springs at the end. The springs just sit in the middle of the piston and compress against the cap of the valve - The top of the cap has a seat in which the spring sits, so it'll all compress up nicely - Twist the top cap up "tight" by hand and that's it! All serviced and ready to go. A common problem on 007p's which is often over looked is the wear on the lower of the piston not being even with the valve casing. This causes the valve to leak; a great way around this is to get a valve grinding dowel and some valve lapping paste and gently reface the piston in the valve. Other than that they're very easy to work on, and so simple that you can't really go wrong if you follow those steps. I'll write up the Baileys dump valve now, and then I'll do the 007p springs and my own personal opinion of the two. - So, the Baileys DV30. View from the bottom of the valve - And from the entrance to the valve on the side - The DV 30 is quite a bit different to the previously mentioned Forge; both in it's appearance, design and complexity of the valve. The top cap of the Baileys valve is quite a bit more important than on the 007p, and the method of securing it is also different. There are 6 allen bolts securing the top cap to the valve, which makes it a little more fiddly to undo. When you undo the allen bolts the top cap will be pushed off of the valve in the same way the Forge valve did - Due to the way that the Baileys valve works unforunatly I cannot show the step by step dismantling of the valve, however once you remove the top cap the spring and "piston" are loosely held within the valve. The piston sits at the bottom of the valve loosely, and the spring sits on top - This is all the parts which make up the valve displayed together - The under side of the top cap is similar to the Forge, in that it is just a cap with a seat for the spring - The piston then pushes up against the spring and fits tightly within the cap; unlike the 007p which has a large body which a large piston moves up and down in the Baileys is sealed by the top cap rather than the body of the valve - The base of the piston is a totally flat surface, which eliminates the common problem with Forge's have where the piston does not seal. This shows the base of the valve body - The size of the "chamber" if you will is much smaller than on the 007p due to its design. Personally I think this is a big plus point and gets the thumbs up from me. Because the Baileys valve is built differently there are actually no servicable parts on it, unlike with the 007p. All you would have to do is keep it lubricated and purchase the appropriate spring. Also due to the design of the Baileys valve it is very tricky to get back together...Having to sandwich the piston and spring against the top cap and then feed the body of the valve on, I'm currently uploading a video of this annoying process at the moment. I'll edit when it's up. I took the car out for a spin and tested his DV for him after re-assembling to make sure it was fit for his car. It sounds good and holds boost very well - So luckily for Phil his DV which was listed on eBay as faulty is totally spot on! As a comparison between the two; I actually prefer Phil's Baileys DV to my 007p. They both do exactly the same job, in exactly the same way. But the Baileys to me just feels better built and I prefer the design internally. The only down side to the Baileys is that the lip around the inlet and outlet is very fat, so it is a right pain to fit!
  12. My old steering wheel was shit. I hated it, and it really let the interior down. The guy who fitted my clutch with me the other day hero worships me, which is a bit weird. He's the friendliest person I've ever met and he's just generally a really nice bloke. I just mentioned in passing the other day that I didn't like my plastic steering wheel, didn't think any more of it. I got a text from him about half 4 whilst I was dropping the oil out of my car asking if I was about because he had some "gifts" for me...At this point I thought I was going to be given some rouphies and wake up in a basement in Tavistock with a very sore bum! It sounded like a good night out so I told him to pop round. He turned up with not one...but TWO genuine B5 and B6 Audi RS4 leather steering wheels complete with airbags, clock springs, harnesses and all bolts. What's weird about this is these steering wheels sell for £150-£250 a piece on eBay and the higher end of that estimate on forums and from breakers. All because I linked him to a cheap dump valve on eBay that was listed as fault which if it worked would have saved him £90. Very strange. So here's the B6 wheel fitted So much nicer! Also tested a DV I found for him on eBay, it was listed as faulty but I was pretty certain that due to the simplicity of DV's unless it was warped then we could fix it. He won it for less than a Chinese take away, so I stripped it down and all seemed fine. Gave it a bit of lubrication and fitted it, it's brilliant. Baileys DV30 I think. I dropped the oil and did a lubrication service on the A3 after work today, as well as a rad flush and new G13. All in all a very productive day
  13. Pashley26


    I'm sad. Went for a hot towel wet shave and a hair cut this morning; I was offered a £20 donation if I shaved it off and I couldn't see me keeping it for another month so I cashed in early. I feel violated and as though a piece of me is missing; but we had a good run and I made a new friend. Can't wait for next year Thanks to everybody that contributed, donated, offered support and got involved. I'd also like to wish a congratulations and a pat on the back to all my fellow Mo-Bro's.
  14. Pashley26


    Treating myself to a turkish hot towel wet shave tomorrow, but the moustache is staying.
  15. PS Robin; oh my god I just want to give you a cuddle Any way I can help?
  16. f**k me, scary shit. I'm so glad the Audi isn't shit/has proper brakes/tires and suspension. Rolling along the A38 at about 70ish on the inside lane and there was a pick up truck in the outside lane a couple of car lengths away and a car on my right. The pick up truck lost some of it's load and two scaffolding poles and a load of bags fell off the back. Car next to me takes evasive action and veers into my lane, the MX5 that had been right up my arse the whole time obviously wasn't looking and was coming towards me at 80+. I had to swerve onto the soft verge at 70+ and the whole car went totally sideways, facing the armco at 70mph. Gave it full opposite lock and a boot full and it just about pulled straight with less than an inch to spare between me and the armco. I could have put my hand out the window and touched it. It shit me up so badly I had to pull over immediately and chain smoke for 5 mins on the phone to Prawn. Heart was properly in my mouth, I'm just so glad to be home safe! Note to everybody; make sure your car is tip top all the time. Because I KNOW that if I was in my old BM or anything other than my amazing Audi I'd have been in a full on collision after that.
  17. Take a picture of the build tag on your phone and check the code with your fingers crossed for K03-052/053/058? Regardless of being right or wrong, if it had a silencer on it I would claim it was a K03 to get the price down for Rainbird
  18. Text me, lets go look at it tonight. I'll pick you up and we'll go buy it
  19. Best bet for the pump is Quaside VW if you want to go to a dealer, otherwise the bloke who did my clutch will probably do it on a sunday for much less money and you get to watch him and understand it all too. I'd more than trust him to do mine after seeing him work on my car, he works for an independent VAG garage in Tavy so could even do it in works time.
  20. It looks good to be fair, wheels need burning but otherwise doesn't look bad at all. The belt will need to come off to do the water pump, so the cost doesn't matter because it's pretty much the same job. It's more a precaution incase it hasn't been done, then you know you're safe. I wouldn't be concerned about mileage, we'll easily be able to tell if it's a looked after car. It's got some nice mods, and we can get the coilovers on no problems. I just hope it's all been done right. You got the cash to buy? I think we could probably start £200 below what you said in pm
  21. It SHOULD have a K03 on it, so find out when it was changed if he says it has got a K03s on it and it hasn't. The pump and belt should be changed at the same time; if he doesn't know when it was last done then you need to get it done yourself. And it's a £300 job. What sort of miles has it done? Tidy car? If it's between 80 and 120K it's probably about a grand to £1200.
  22. Buy them without, I'll give you a set of wheels to roll on until you get nice ones. They've got legal tires and they're all straight and don't look too bad - I can tell you if it's a K03s by sight. If you want to go and look at it tonight/this afternoon let me know; I'm off today and Sunday as well. I can take my VAGCOM and as you know I'm the king of buying cars. Got a link to it?
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