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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. I like it. And it hasn't blown up yet and makes 50bhp+ more than yours and has done more miles and is abused daily. Ergo; wait until it blows up then you can tell him why.
  2. We can't all be as perfect as you Prawn. The end result is immense, I love it.
  3. Not a clue, it has got a wheel on it too. I will take a picture and post it tonight. I think you guys have a rather different view of flames to me It does this literally every time you flat shift - www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZhYOE6vr58
  4. Me chasing after the Leon in Phils A3 - http://video.ak.fbcdn.net/hvideo-ak-prn1/v/756529_10152550379205508_1295507212_n.mp4?oh=172c7924ff07849a73928ebb96b15ac3&oe=511D7919&__gda__=1360885084_e27173f70d1a4fa09bd8f90bd8c3b25c Ive got to say, Phils leon is quick off the mark! Not as fast as mine out of first gear, but as far as launches go it's pretty good!
  5. A £150 eBay turbo which is based on a GT28 which was bought second hand on Driftworks for £70... A year and 8000 miles later it's been off and is as good as new inside. So now every man and their dog is looking to make a budget GT28 build; it can be done to the same level for less than £1200 if you do the work yourself.
  6. Haha it's all a wind up I went out for a drive in a 400bhp Leon today, and now I want a GT28. Phils car is stupid.
  7. It was indeed a typo, 5x112 obviously. They would look immense on a Passat or Mk3. Being 17" they are much more saleable than the 18"s. Thanks bro
  8. The only wheels better than mine for an 8L
  9. I don't expect anybody on here to want them, but my wheels are for sale if you could spread the word please. 17x7.5j S4 Avus replicas in 5x100 and 5x110 multistud fitment. A truly once in a lifetime opportunity, I have never seen another set of these and nor has anybody else who has seen them, let alone for sale. There is a very slight curb on one wheel which is roughly 2" long. Unless I pointed it out you wouldn't notice with tires fitted. Front have 1000 mile old 215/45 T1R's and the rears have FK452's which are two mm on the inside and 4mm outside due to camber. £500 with brand new Audi center caps (old ones were stolen and ebay ones are fitted) or £450 without.
  10. That Megane is not 320bhp. Guestimating the gearing times from the ones I've driven (I've driven lots of them) it is just a standard 250 with a 265 Trophy chip. Don't underestimate them, they can lap the ring quicker than Prawn ever did at 8:07 as a standard car out the factory. Can't grumble at that. Your car looks MUCH more fun, and I know which one I'd rather have.
  11. Why don't you go get cancer, then fix it with cannabis. Then we'll take you seriously. And you'll make a fortune.
  12. I have got a small spline boss in my shed. I will dig it out and measure it. Mk3's have a small splined column with a larger adapter pressed on to the end. Early Mk3's didn't have the adapter.
  13. Tried the passenger and boot locks?
  14. I felt bad saying it, but Alex is a big boy and he knows I love his car.
  15. Do you not find that much play in the gear lever REALLY annoying?
  16. Makes a HUGE difference to bushes; makes them much more solid. I have seen entire engine mounts where the rubber has split, perished and fallen off be totally rebuilt with tiger seal.
  17. Half the bushes and the gearbox mount turned up today. I filled the gearbox mount with Tiger Seal - And it's solid as f**k now, so fingers crossed that will firm things up a little.
  18. Yup, turreted. Like this -
  19. If they're not done right they are more harm than good; make sure you do it properly is the only rule. Tie it into everything structural, triangulate everything and follow design rules to make sure it is safe.
  20. Could do, will be a pain to tighten up on your own though.
  21. They are a wanker when they go missing; which is fairly common. A friend of mine had the carbon ones off his E46 M3CSL kicked in and they cost him over £500 to buy I would suggest using some sort of bonding on them to stick them as well as bolt them, some sikaflex or something just run along the inside.
  22. Lower splitter. Here's your part number - www.m5board.com/vbulletin/attachments/parts-other-sale-wanted/126806d1297808981-authentic-ac-schnitzer-splitters-sale-lower-price-img_2917.jpg Carbinfibreskins sell carbon ones...not cheap. M style sell them too.www.mstyle.co.uk/acatalog/info_B02CR005.html And on ebay - item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?itemId=300677653279&index=6&nav=SEARCH&nid=81528270249
  23. Gatso cameras have an alert mode which makes them flash every so often. Might have just been unfortunate timing on Matts part, Robin is right in saying that the flashless ones can get you from either way, and they also have ANPR.
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