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Everything posted by Pashley26

  1. Getting absolutely smashed in Estonia continues.
  2. In Estonia. I've been shooting all sorts, Cult 45's, Glock 9's, various shot guns, AK47's and 74's, M16's, all sorts. Really good fun. Grouping wasn't too bad, the recoil with the stubby revolver put me off a bit. But all rounds were within the target. I've never shot a short revolver before, it's a lot harder than something with a bit more weight.
  3. I've got that Friday feeling. Don't let the moccasins fool you.
  4. #yolo looks super rad yo.
  5. Running in cars gently is absolute bollocks. Piston rings need cylinder pressure to bed in, thrashing ***.
  6. It'll bed the pads in though.
  7. Best get cycling the pump on VCDS. 03, ABS. 04, Basic Settings. Block 001. Go.
  8. That's not how you bed pads in.
  9. Probably already boiled the fluid. Did you stop more than once?
  10. Nah, I make my fair share in back handers from auction companies. I don't need drug dealing
  11. So she's got home. Yep, cocaine dealer. Literally.
  12. Went on eBay. Had eBay rage. Phoned Prawn to ask him how much I should bid. He said £1000. Bid £1000 for a set of G60 brakes. Then turned my phone off.
  13. Just booked the hotel for Bedford, well excited.
  14. I had considered this. I'm removing the rear view mirror to put a stick on wide angle mirror (better rear visibility on TD's) as a safety measure, so didn't want to go doing anything in a rush and having to remove it and re work it. I know that it spoils the exterior light metering and focus, but it's quite nice to have a "bit" of inside to give some first person context to it. It's not easy to get it right.
  15. Are they the same as 80 V6 Quattro calipers?
  16. 256's at the moment. But do S2 brakes fit behind BBS RA's?
  17. Paste. So I'm quite close to buying a set of 280's. After a phone call from G last night I'm very keen to do Bedofrd now, only as a "slow" chilled out shake down session. But I would like to get the brakes 100% first. I would also like to level out the suspension, rear down slightly, front up slightly. Then I need to change the oil and filters. And fit a harness. And collect some carbon door cards from Jamie, and fit them. And spanner check the front end because I've got a slight knock. I have sorted out an interior and exterior camera mount. Inside. And front facing. I'm not overly happy with the front facing view, but it is really hard to get a central front facing shot that isn't annoyingly in my face. The cameras are SJ4000WIFI models, so controllable through my iPhone. The front facing camera will be run in conjunction with the iPhones camera overlaid by Harry's Lap Timer, the interior camera just video capture on the SJ4000. :thumb:
  18. Come onnnnnn, it's only £130.
  19. Was just coming to ask you! You not in then? How about Kennard?
  20. Bedford July 6th. Come get some.
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