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Everything posted by Wrayvon

  1. Kind of relevant...my brother has one, and we took it to cornwall on a recent holiday. Went in the sea in it, was great fun! Properly inflated and positioned seats are a big factor as to how much you'll be hurting the next day
  2. I replaced the badges on my car. That is pretty dam boring for a modification
  3. I feel your pain.... I fitted a new head unit last week, my rear speakers have completely stopped working now. Joy! It was a bit of a faff getting the head unit out too, now I have to do it again to check the wires....
  4. Alas it is my work party the night before, so there is no way in hell I will be able to drive, let alone drive around a track the next day! Whens TFTD3?
  5. I actually thought it was further away, I shall check the calendar...
  6. Isn't it all booked up? Would cost me an arm and a leg getting to and from (20mpg ~) , but would certainly be fun...
  7. Really good, thanks! Currently waiting for a variety of things to tidy it up a bit. Today's task is a full service though. New stereo going in this weekend, along with new badges (others looking tatty). And will probably make a start on refurbing the alloys! I shall post more picture as I go along... Maybe even some Dan style before and afters...
  8. Agreed, I demand a bigger version!
  9. I applied paint stripper to one of my wheels today, to try make it silver again. It half worked, but not like I wanted. So, does anyone know of a company that can refurb alloys - sand blasted or whatever. But without me removing the tyres. Ideally a company I can drive to in Leeds/Bradford leave it with them for a day or few and come back with shiny wheels again all fitted. Thanks!
  10. Haha very doubtful. Need to get the wheels refurbed, but don't have a spare set of wheels. Suggestions on places?
  11. So I got one Needs a bit of work but overall it seems good! Hmm doesn't seem to want to let me add a picture Try here: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/iDJjSSPLvs1WGOqCljDw_wGrTCYItSKUYvOOT3r9hRqH=w1410-h1057-no
  12. Japanese import 350z, yay or nay?
  13. Luke Rainbird is a legend. Nuff said
  14. Cheers! Very kind of you
  15. Anyone live near Petersfield in Hampshire? Edit, Probably should add: that wouldn't mind looking at a car to make sure it exists and isn't a dog
  16. Yeah the problem with that is was in Coventry. Oh well back to the search!
  17. Couldn't decide whether to put this in angry thread or here, so I chose here.... Was meant to be going to look at a car tonight - booked train tickets and everything. I got a text last night pretty late (11pm) saying the car has sold, sorry. Dammit!
  18. 2004 Kia Rios had DRLs? Are they aftermarket ones? Sounds like dodgy wiring!
  19. You like them then I think they're 231bhp though. From what I gather they're only 6 speed from 03 onwards also, 5 speed before that. Ideally I'm after a 6 speed but if a nice earlier one comes up I won't complain. I just think I may miss having a turbo, and the ability to give it a remap (and notice a difference).
  20. Just sold my car - happy to sell it but still sad to see it go. 4 years is a long time. Oh well, car shopping time! Opinions, S3, or 330ci? Edit: 8L and E46
  21. Someone buy this please http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111684329955?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Thanks
  22. Lets hope esure are just as cooperative then. Thanks
  23. Talking of insurance, has anyone ever suspended their insurance? And by that I mean putting it on hold for a week or 2 until you have a car again. I am trying to sell my car at the moment, and when I do I'll obviously be wanting a new one, but there will be a small gap in between. I don't really want to cancel my insurance (though I will if I have no other choice) but I also don't want to leave my insurance on my current car once it's left my possession for obvious reasons.
  24. And deservedly so! How can people still be so retarded?
  25. Anyone want to buy an Ibiza?
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