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Everything posted by Wrayvon

  1. Wrayvon


    Thanks to lowcostholidays going bust, I just had to book another hotel. Luckily this one seems even nicer! Praying we get our money back now...
  2. Black or blue makes sense. Grey.... not so much
  3. Wrayvon


    Off to Lake Garda in August for a couple of weeks. Not been to Italy before so rather looking forward to it!
  4. Not sure what this says about me, but I read that and this instantly came into my head
  5. I'll have to keep an eye out in future then! Keep a look out for a silver SLK350 with a rather bald man driving it.... that would be me haha
  6. Yes, I live a couple of houses down from the pub (great pub)! Where about's are you? Small world Too right, many blasts on that road over the years. In fact use to drive on it daily when I worked in Wetherby. You still local @Danny?
  7. @SamKidney were you in East morton today? Saw a car very much like yours, even to the point of the multi-shades of blue on the side
  8. Wrayvon


    I never considered myself old school before, but if 2003 is, then I guess I am...
  9. Yeah... now I look weird for bumping up a topic with 'Lol'
  10. Three from my garden the other day: Tits in a caravan by Sam Wray, on Flickr DSC_0280 by Sam Wray, on Flickr DSC_0286 by Sam Wray, on Flickr
  11. How did you go about demisting your headlight? Looks like a good job!
  12. I only got it quite recently, (hence why I've only just started posting in here...) and I haven't really done any portraits! This is the ring flash I got: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291124940281?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649 It's not great, but it's better than nothing. I have to say, since I started trying to photograph them, I now notice a lot more bugs etc when out and about now. A bit like spider senses..... P.S \Please don't start doing macro shots as you'll make me look bad, thanks.
  13. Thanks Using a Sigma 105mm f/2.8 - I love it. Foolishly I didn't buy the HSM version so I have no choice over manual or auto focus though! (not a problem for macro as I'd always use manual anyway). Also use a cheapo ringflash usually.
  14. Some more macro shots: Poorly wasp by Sam Wray, on Flickr Untitled by Sam Wray, on Flickr DSC_0018 by Sam Wray, on Flickr DSC_0008 by Sam Wray, on Flickr DSC_0007 by Sam Wray, on Flickr DSC_0003 by Sam Wray, on Flickr
  15. Took a few more macro shots at the weekend: DSC_0701 by Sam Wray, on Flickr DSC_0734 by Sam Wray, on Flickr DSC_0738 by Sam Wray, on Flickr
  16. First time ever taking a photo in my car, and it hasn't come out perfect, but here you go:
  17. Don't forget he removed his tax disc - top mod.
  18. Looks like great fun! Also why was that car so cheap?! Good work.
  19. Love that you used your heated seats and radio!
  20. Cheers! I'm sure I will do! Determined to finally spend some time taking pictures rather than just using my phone all the time. So thank you in advance for putting up with my daft questions....
  21. That would actually be really helpful if you don't mind ☺ started having a play with lightroom the other day but probably just made things too over the top. So a helping hand would be very much appreciated.
  22. Agreed. Those of the porsche especially as they look very crisp. Wish I knew how to edit properly (and take the actual photos).
  23. I drive out over that way quite often, nice to have good roads so close to home!
  24. That's how everyone knows you on here too, Dan!
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