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Everything posted by Wrayvon

  1. I'm on O2 contract. Its an 18 month online contract and i get 750 off peak mins(any network) and 750 texts(again any network). At only £25 a month! I still do however manage to go over on texts sometimes But not much! wray EDIT: Here is O2's student section: http://shop.o2.co.uk/student
  2. Wrayvon


    Yer, but you are a big un And wayne, i'l drive you wray
  3. Voted! Also, that beat box guy is really good! I thoguth i was ok at it, but jeez, he's good!
  4. No its really not. Never had an account, never will! Sad sad people...
  5. ta very much! Liking this new 'layout'. Although im sure it will start to annoy me soon wray
  6. Also, i have done that, but how do i get like shut down and log off on there too? Thus illiminating the use for start menu wray
  7. Ooo i like that! How/where do you get it? Cheers Wray
  8. Not sure if this is what you meant, but you click on IMAGE>NEW IMAGE. That might be what you meant i am not sure. wray
  9. Wrayvon


    Hi, could anyone tell me where i can get it from, as i cant rememeber! And a lot of sites that have it, are usually full of spyware so you get loads just when you download it. ta wray
  10. Wrayvon


    Wray Wrayvon Von-wiggy Poo (dont ask) pooey(as above) von-pooey (ahem)
  11. Wrayvon

    1 4 Iolo

    Well its the irish that are STEREOTYPICALLY not quite with it
  12. Or not... Been with her 18 months, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
  13. [attachmentid=3734] Me and my wonderful girlyfriend
  14. Wrayvon


    Cheers, most appreciated! And no, it wasnt anal Sister had been using my computer and its full university crap and doctor stuff cheers people! wray
  15. Wrayvon


    Anyone know How i get rid of previous searches when i'm searching on any search engine, perticularly google? Like when you type in 'a' it will bring up previous searches of aardvark, or apple or whatever Cheers wrway
  16. Not such a big problem...
  17. Did this at a comp! Nice eh! [attachmentid=2921] [attachmentid=2917]
  18. Out of interest, where do you find these hitmen.....
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