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Everything posted by Wrayvon

  1. 150 i think... That was a while back though!
  2. Well yer, i'm fine now Just a bit of a shock when you havn't been single for so long! Even though it was me that dumped her! Erm i had just had enough really. Run its course imo
  3. Split up with my girlfriend of nearly 20 months! About an hour or so ago. It was hard
  4. Done that, and sorted it Ta mate! So how is internet explorer disabled then
  5. Thanks for your help guys New question now How do i delete internet explorer? It wont let me, says its in use by other programs when its not Also, how do i set it so that when i press to go to my inbox on msn, it opens with firefox rather than interent explorer? Cheers! wray
  6. Woah lots to try! Where can i find the wonderful AVG? Also, what is wrong with McAfee? It always seems to work great The pop up started again now, it was nothing to do with anti virus software. Just another scam as you say. I'm using firefox now anyway, and all seems to be working. Although photoshop has stopped working now... hmmm!
  7. Fair point, i used to, but re-installed windows and never got round to it But this wont stop the possible virus/spyare/whatever it is thats bugging my computer!
  8. Well that pop up box no longer appears, for some reason, despite not doing anything. But the page still keeps loading. Any ideas? wray
  9. oo fast replies! Thanks! I have done that many times! It just keeps resetting itself to that And yer, as you can see from the pic, i have McAfee anti virus. And use ad-aware for spyware etc. Done both and hasn't helped!!! wray
  10. [attachmentid=5094] Basically turned computer on today after my brother was using it, and went on internet, and this appears as my home page for some reason. When normally it was online banking Now i'm guessing this isn't a genuine thing and is actualyl going to give me even more viruses/spyware. What you think? Also, what shall i do! ta wray EDIT: And yer, under that box is my I.P address etc!
  11. Looks nice, i'm sure it took you ages to make well designing would like you said
  12. Wrayvon

    Wright Pads

    Lmao the guys a legend! Helium downtubes was the icing on the cake for me
  13. My god, you actually used to ride with slippy fingers?! I remember when i bought one of them, i took it off within the hour wray
  14. Aye! Tis true Also a very tasty drink wray
  15. Drink it with ice! And if your soft, a bit of water too!
  16. Dirty bugger! Look at those silly plug sockets
  17. [attachmentid=4889] And yes, on top of my monitor is this beast! [attachmentid=4890] wray
  18. Ta very much you two! Worked Cock on! Although didnt work when i restarted, so i shut down, then it worked Gussing automatic updates should be switched off now wray
  19. erm, how do i do that
  20. Basicallly, my computer did those automatic updats last night, and this morning when i just logged on, it comes up with this thing about my windows being counterfit. So...how do i get rid of it? I remember there being a topic fairly recent, but cant find it! I dont want to lose any of my stuff or owt, just go back to my settings of yesterday morning. Help please!!!! wray
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