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Everything posted by Wrayvon

  1. Me about a year ago. Need to trim me fringe a bit.. wray
  2. Wrayvon

    My Astravan

    Hahaha gutted mate! Once you've done, you will have to take me for a spin!
  3. Thats crap Why would u even write oh noes?! Let alone buy it on for a reg plate! Jeez theres some sad people in this world!
  4. I didnt know that or the crtl + f thing! Also dont know what that reg plate is meant to say! help? i dont spend enough time on my pc obviously! Even though i'm on here, a lot
  5. Wrayvon


  6. Wrayvon

    14.05.05 012.jpg

    From the album: anything

  7. Wrayvon

    14.05.05 012.jpg

    From the album: anything

  8. Wrayvon


    From the album: anything

  9. Wrayvon


    From the album: anything

  10. Wrayvon


    From the album: anything

  11. That baby down there \/ Some kid on shipley glen said it Was about 8 or summat, and then produced THE biggest burp known to man!
  12. Ah! That helps a lot Thanks for that I just thought that was so you could save a link as just a web address kinda thing Wonder why i though that...
  13. When using firefox is there any way of right-clicking a link and pressing for example 'save target as'? I was just about to download Buckys new video, and it wouldnt let me. SO i had to use tinternet explorer for a second. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=78676 Thats what i was downloading Any help appreciated wray
  14. Yer i totally agree. Although thats really stupid, b'cos we've been without rooney for a month or so and still mangaed to win! Stupid stupid players *shakes head*
  15. Jeez we played crap last night!
  16. A birthday cake my mum made me a few years ago When i had a small obsession with Badgers(due to www.badgerbadgerbadger.com) So..BADGER CAKE!
  17. Wrayvon

    Name The Films

    On top of all others mentioned... The Rock The Crow (great film!)
  18. What company do you work for out of interest?
  19. Yer, i work at coop. When i'm 18, i will get that Still shit though!
  20. Well im 17, and get £4.17 an hour, which to be frank, is shit! I selected 18, and 4.25 by the way Need a better paying job!
  21. I use online offpeak 500 or summat 750 texts/750 off peak mins= £25. Suits me fine
  22. Wrayvon

    Your Hot Tap

    I'l second that My house is weird too!
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