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Everything posted by Wrayvon

  1. Wrayvon

    Happy Birthday

    Hahahaha o god I need to stop posting replies with just haha's in But that did make me chuckle!
  2. Think i already posted this ages ago, but i did this as one of the firsts cars i've done, probably a couple of years ago now buy hey, its funny! wray
  3. Wearing black isn't an emo specific trait though is it. Goths, fat people You get the idea These so called 'emos' just happen to wear black, but also many other colours! All bollox if you ask me
  4. Ok then if what your saying is correct, what makes it emo? I am actually generally interested! Edit: To meteor by the way
  5. Indeed just the one album, and an EP which is self titled. I seem to remember there is a b-side album on itunes, but I havnt found it anywhere else yet. Great band imo, I wouldn't call them emo, I am not emo and I listen to them so yeah Wray
  6. Im working... But im single currently so who cares!
  7. Yeah you can put anything you need on your D drive, then when you reinstall format the C drive only -------------------------------- Anyone got any ideas on my situation? Help
  8. Sorry fatpants, not trying to hi-jack your thread... BUT! Whenever i go to change my start up in msconfig, it says i need to have adminstrator rights etc. But I am the admin And theres no other users Ideas? P.S It used to let me change it... ta wray
  9. Hahaha o well, i suppose a women MIGHT be a suitable replacement....maybe I want in on this stag do too bitch!
  10. Didn't you hear? He's finally commiting to marriage with fray bentos company! Haha love you really roof-rack
  11. Unless i'm getting the wrong end of the stick, tiff format can be opened in corel draw and photoshop. But guessing i'm missing the point here....
  12. Ey dear that tickled me tad!
  13. Thats 'cos your a fat fanny Love you really! Ah glad to here it anyway mate! Good luck! wrayv EDIT: DAM! BEATEN TO IT! Grrrr*shakes fist angrily!* Also it wasn't fanny when i wrote it...
  14. Nope, im full priority Erm yeah, that doesn't work, hence the topic Cheers for the help so far guys!! wray
  15. Fookin el, congrats cake man! Didn't no you even had a bitch!?
  16. This doesn't seem to be the case Not sure what you mean here, care to explain a bit? Cheers
  17. Anyone clever enough/willing to help?
  18. Can anyone shed some light as to why all the files and folders in My Documents set themselves to read only every time i boot up my pc? Its kind of annoying! Cheers wray P.S Would also like to know how to stop it
  19. Wrayvon

    Divx Converter

    www.serials.ws will most likely solve your problems! Not that i'm encouraging this kind of this, merely telling you where it could be found, if it was needed for some reason...
  20. Wrayvon

    New Tattoos

    Thats fairly beasty! I like it!
  21. Still got the problem, any ideas guys?
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