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Everything posted by Wrayvon

  1. As title says, my brother is after a mountain bike in the region of £100-£200. Doesn't have to be extremely fancy, but doesn't want something poo. Since I haven't ridden in a few years, I have forgotten decent sites to go on! So where do you recommend Cheers
  2. Would it struggle if still running pentium 4 Got 1.5gigs of ram but from what i've read since it isn't two sticks of the same size ram, that it won't run to its best. That true?
  3. Another mexican one... What do mexicans put under their carpet? Underlay underlay!! (Probably is a lot more funny when you say it...) Ah well!
  4. I was just looking for this so i could bump it up! haha good lad EDIT forgot the joke! :$ Why did the mexican man push his wife off a cliff? Tequila
  5. Wrayvon


    Might seem strange looking at the price, but these are truely awesome Linkage Sounds really nice, lots of bass
  6. Wrayvon


    Another vote for creative
  7. Hahaha to the randomness (apparently) of this thread. Nah I didn't go, thought about it and decided against it
  8. Bumping this back 'cos i'm bored and I have a question Crt 2nd monitor ***!!! Things to note, badger, duck, sheep and cow Question: How do you make the taskbar go right along the bottom of both monitors, so it's like rreeaallyy long
  9. Woah someone has too much time on their hands Hehe!
  10. I use a program called Fair Use Wizard 2. Pretty easy to use, you are aware it takes quite a while to rip a dvd though? I usually leave them over night 'cos i'm lazy and don't like waiting.
  11. Well I appear to be the average! 5"10 and 11 Stone!
  12. Wrayvon

    Room 101

    Yes, very good point, be nice jake just to enphasise my point from earlier: People who insist on wearing there Mp3 players(usually ipods-don't get me started on them ) when they are with people! For the past god knows how many years you've been alive you have managed to live without having music in your ears at every waking hour. So why start now?! Not only that, its down right rude! Its basically saying you find the person your with boring!
  13. Wrayvon

    Room 101

    Not to be annoying or anything, but I understand what he means Can't describe it too well though... Seems like your still trying too hard or something? Meh could just be me (and him)
  14. Wrayvon

    Room 101

    Shut up Love you really EDIT: Sticking to the topic: People who insist on wearing there Mp3 players(usually ipods-don't get me started on them ) when they are with people! For the past god knows how many years you've been alive you have managed to live without having music in your ears at every waking hour. So why start now?! Not only that, its down right rude! Its basically saying you find the person your with boring! Rant over
  15. Not wanting to discourage you or anything, but renting at the end of the day, is just wasted money. You don't get anything back like you would after paying a mortage etc. But you are only 18 so I would say renting for a while will do you good. I assume you live with your parents at the moment? Moving out with give you a better idea of what to expect in the future. Personally, I wouldn't rent for a long time if possible for the above reason. I just realised that hasnt really helped at all, so yeah, sorry
  16. Hahaha I'm amused I'm also amused by the fact that you could actually be bothered to go into the rules and find that Thats 10 year olds for you
  17. Give me the privaledge of the ban button? I will soon get the number of cocks down
  18. I assume this reasoning is correct
  19. I remember buying some fox downhill ones (I think that was them). They were huge! Had knee cap protectors and everything! Not easy to ride trials in I found
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