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Everything posted by Wrayvon

  1. Really hoped your reply wouldnt say that prawn Didn't know him, though the amount he posted on here it felt as if i did. R.I.P Oli
  2. Positive thinking please Hope he turns up soon!
  3. And at the end of the day, it is only a joke...
  4. Hahaha I knew as soon as you put that it would be the first two! Legend
  5. Wrayvon


    Having sex with it Its running quad core too
  6. Wrayvon


    Yup, supports 8gig. And yup, there all the same ram- CLICK Any other ideas
  7. Wrayvon


    Hey guys, basically I bought a new MB a few weeks back and bought 2 gigs of ram at the same time. Now I have decided to buy another 2 so I would have 4, but it doesn't seem to work. Only shows up as 2.75? Is this something to do with them all being 1024mb not bang on 1gig sticks? Any ideas? CHeers
  8. Wrayvon

    Msn Ideas

    Alright guys, basically my gf's laptop at uni won't let her use msn. And msn won't let her use an older version, tried using trillion but you can't import contacts so it would take ages to add them all again. So basically, recommend me some please ta
  9. Nice one fat pants, just stop the thread why don't you Carrying on from this.... facial hair
  10. Disturbia - 8/10 - Not too bad! Quite liked it infact hence the 8, bit predictable though! Wedding Crashers - 9/10 - Still funny, great film!
  11. Wrayvon

    Close Please

    Sorted -Close if you like
  12. Rally drive. But I think i'm doing that soon so yeah!
  13. Providing its your policy not your mums
  14. My grandad didnt even have to take a driving test, as he drove in the war and survived, so he was deemed a good enough driver to carry on doing so! A little scary to be honest! He used to be a good driver though saying that, but over the last 2 years he has pretty much lost the ability to walk, yet he carried on driving. He bumped it soooooooo many times in that time. He is selling his car now for good though, years of telling him finally paid off! (though he didnt actually listen to us, it was the doctor who told him couldn't drive safely anymore due to not being able to see well enough or walk!)
  15. Riiiight Well in that case, can you help me find a MB that takes quad core socket 775 and 800hz ram. Thats not ridicularly expensive. Cheers EDIT ignore that, i've found one. Another question though that i've never been sure on. If the motherboard says it takes up to 1333mhz FSB will a 1066mhz processor work fine? Thinking of this MB: Here Ta
  16. Cheers guys, I shall try these on monday!
  17. Latest Update, decided to spend a lil more! Thinking of getting some nice spec parts. Core 2 quad processor, 4gigs of 5400 ram, and 8600gt graphics card pre-overclocked. That should do, oh and a new monitor, samsung 22".
  18. At work there are sites restricted that i want to access =P I.E youtube etc etc! I seem to remember there being a website that bypasses the restrictions set by the network managers. Anyone remember/know a way of doing it? ta
  19. You also need to learn how to not double click when adding image to post
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