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Wrayvon last won the day on December 14 2023

Wrayvon had the most liked content!

About Wrayvon

  • Birthday 10/04/1988

Contact Methods

  • MSN

Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
    West Yorkshire
  • Real Name
    Sam Wray
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Zhi frame and stuff
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Location
    Leeds ish

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Wrayvon's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Maybe the snow plows are stuck in the snow? 🤭
  2. If it's appropriate for an MK then I'll gladly join. Skipton isn't far from me either which is a brucey bonus.
  3. I'll be keen to get a run out in my MK too Probably can rope in a few others too that used to be part of this crazy trials world many moons ago.
  4. Time for a new dash. Got an auto electrician to give me a hand with the wiring as I've seen the state of the existing wiring But yeah, this will be fitted soon: Quite different to the pleather dash I have currently featuring the original sierra dials ....
  5. At least you have a fuel guage
  6. Depending how yours has been built, it's quite likely you'll have access to the pedal box from above. In mine I just have to remove 5 or 6 screws then I can look down on it from the engine bay Much easier than trying to squeeze into a footwell
  7. @MadManMike those arches look so much better. Really not a fan of those old sweeping style ones (can't remember their official name)
  8. Got any links? I don't watch much trials these days!
  9. Nope... but I did cover my garage in these which gets around it https://www.halfords.com/tools/garage-equipment/garage-essentials/halfords-6pc-black-floor-mat-set---120cm-x-180cm-336870.html Comfier on the knees too
  10. Crikey what is wrong with a simple over the door one like everyone else in the world?!
  11. At this point it's probably easier to change your name to be honest.
  12. I have a converted short wheel base medium height transit. It's been bloody awesome to be honest. The Mrs and I have been all over the UK in it, but I also use it day to day at the moment and it's not an issue being a SWB - it fits in parking spaces.
  13. What happened to your motorhome Ali? Always thought it was pretty cool you had one of them! Ideal for your riding vids
  14. You should totally vacuum like you are mowing your lawn Lovely stripey rooms. I wonder if I can persuade my Mrs to do that.... I'll probably get a slap I imagine.
  15. Jesus, they sound useless.
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