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Everything posted by gu_lew

  1. i know someone who has just started running try-all stickys and he hasn't had a bad thing to say yet
  2. there will be a little bit less flex but not worth £20 stick with what youve got
  3. The t-mags are very heavy, go with the t-brid for first bike (it was my first bike ).
  4. da bomb is ok but i would stick with the t-pro.
  5. Would you spend £5.00 on a biketrials DVD? yes for sure. What is our favourite trials style, Street(normal riding around town), natural, Urban(e.g Matt Berridge, John Shrewsbury)? Street/Urban Who are your favourite UK riders? cls, niel t, damon watson, adrew chai, nick mannigns and billoks. How old are you? 16 Do you prefer your favourite songs on a biketrials video or a simple well made track which fits with the video? Yes favourite songs ruin it. Do you want the video to have different sections from different rides/events. Yes Do you like seeing different riders and new places/section, or the same old big gaps as you can appreciate how big they are( eg St.Pauls gap in london and most big riding spots) Yes Do you prefer a video which sets the scene and has some nice shots and some experimental parts rather than just all riding? Yes Anything else which you think makes a trials video stand out?: no other riders in the shots, different camera angles, not just one trick a full line and mixed with powerful and technical riders.
  6. ye i agree probably just needs a lil fluid in it.
  7. ive only been on the zenith but it was a very nice ride good on the backwheel and light for zenith.
  8. go on razorproxy.com , infamoushelp.com , prizeproxy.com. they all will get your on anysite that has been blocked from viewing.
  9. lucky for you i lived in orlando for a year! lol, first place is the convention centre there, extremely good ride! second spot is this place called international drive another good ride. if you get a chance to go to cape canaveral (were kennady spce centre is) there is a place called coco beach near by, go to the beach and that is another good ride add my msn for a few more spots esexboyz12345@hotmail.co.uk. !
  10. It is best to get a brand new bike unless you know the full life history of the second hand one, good luck mate always good to see more people into trials.
  11. If your tring to sidehop off of things theres 2 options. First way about it, the straight sidehop: find a wall about 2 feet high to practise on, let yourself fall of the wall a lil bit then hop sideways straighten yourself in the air so you dont land wonky like you took off and ride away with a smile on your face. Second way about it, endo off: (This is the more advanced option) find a wall about 2 feet high to practise on, ride a lil bit along the wall endo, swing the back-end out a lil bit, hop off the nose, straighten in the air, land and ride away with a smile on your face. Hope i helped mate! good luck.
  12. just jump on and ride to begin with when you begin to excel or break anything is when you should look to upgrade, but its really up to you mate theres no "rules" with what to do with a bike, you could spend all the money you have on it its your bike
  13. my first bike was a onza t-bird(big mistake), my friend who i ride with all the time got a t-pro for his first bike and he exelled in his riding much further than me in the first few months of riding! unfortunatly he got it stolen lol
  14. there is no "officail" tyre pressure its just what feels comftorbal to you like what the rest of the guys are saying.
  15. i got me fingers crossed its a lush frame i was considering buying it but didnt know anyone who had actually ridden it so i backed off...good luck though
  16. in fact buy another stamp and another envolope and send half to me aswel
  17. have a few practise goes on some old non-expensive rims! i thought i would grind my rim, i had a few practise goes on some old rims and im glad i did lol i sucked at first. o yeah and remember to get some plazmatics or rock pads or you will just ruin zoo pads ect.
  18. when you say you hit everything hard and fast as you can you might just be so into what your doing your not really paying attention to wierd noises
  19. i said "he" should get the long one and "I"am gettin the short.
  20. i would get a long gu typhoon frame for your size, im gettin short gu soon. They're very light but very sturdy at the same time, also its got greeat balance. GU ***!
  21. i have a friend who rides half link chain on his monty 221ti and he has never had any problems.
  22. signed it mate dont know if it will help hope all goes well
  23. if your looking fo full bike t-pro, for the frame only gu-typhoon.
  24. i agree, great bike mate i would be scared to ride it incase of scratches
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