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About weejohn20

  • Birthday 10/31/1992

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  • Quick Spec
    06 onza t-pro

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  • Interests
    trials, dirt jumping and trials motorbiking, and also photography/ video editing
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weejohn20's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. n00b question obviously BUT i want to get new flat bars for my onza, its a mod and was just wondering if it matters about what FLAT bars i get. i mean... is there a difference between flat bars for 20" and 26" because i don't know.? :$
  2. i don't think the point was about the weight saving, i think it was about how it can benefit your grip when landing on the edge of an object which i am sure everyone does here *lol* so stop going on about weight.. its about grip, some one just added that it saves weight as well which it does but thats not the point.
  3. ye! making it grip does make sence as the tyre can fold more over an object, i think maxxis would probably do it allready if it SO much better although i must say that if it is normal and you want to cut them off it is easy enough and if you prefer to have them on then it saves u changing it so maybe the companys have thought of it before but realised some people would prefer to keep their knobs!
  4. i totally agree their should be trials on it but i think it would maybe make trials look bad if it wasent an amazing demo.. i remember the one where those parkour kids were flipping and jumping and compared to what they can do in the streets and and do on stage it wasent as if they really showed what they do. Maybe no one has entered because they think it would portray the sport wrong just my input though! If someone done it really well i think they would definatley have a good chance because sometimes i am quite amazed by how people in the streets react wen me or a mate does something that is not very hard but people think it is incredible
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