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Everything posted by BenLeacock™

  1. Just after some recommendations really people. Protein shakes ? I hear all the time about how they help bulk you up, I have tried a few different ones and have my favorites etc, but are they really safe? Its none of the silly ones that you need to have other substances with to stop your kidneys from rotting away, but like Maximuscle etc, if you train with them in proportion training them with them properly, is there going to be any drastic side effects. I guess it will be something that you need to ask a GP etc. As you can properly tell I don't have any idea about protein I no how to train properly etc.
  2. Looks sweet mate. Still awaiting a video though
  3. BenLeacock™


    Full time ed + Dominoes Pizza What else can I ask for...
  4. Looks really nice that mate. Good work!
  5. Defiantly Czar, go to the second pic down in full, can see the white czar wrote across the tops of the arms.
  6. Don't you have to be a certain age to drive in france ? Im defiantly game this year!
  7. Is that Danny Kearn's ? Im SURE thats his kitchen. (considering ive never been to his house thats kinda worrying) But it does look like a danny spec as well.....
  8. ill have a play later on! Will get it up for tomorrow !
  9. Yerp! Theres plenty of room, as long as its not much thicker than the shaft of a screwdriver!
  10. For unwanted clips there not bad at all!
  11. Just go with flow - if something happens it happens, if it doesn't you have nothing to worry about.
  12. Really like the first double disk one. Looks sweet!
  13. Your so smooth. Its just so easy to watch and enjoy. Another top video mate!
  14. Looks sweet dave. Been waiting for pics
  15. Ive told you before ill sort it out for you? The wobble is probably just down to the loose lockring.
  16. White has been over used in my opinion. With out stickers id never think it was a Ashton, Looks to skinny!
  17. Cool to watch, definatly shows evolution
  18. quick google told me 19 Beat by Jarrod - makes me feel un special since we both went for the same aproach
  19. Practise! There is no magic wand you can wave - just got to keep going!
  20. Just found this on facebook, Not sure who's already seen it? Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
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