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About BenLeacock™

  • Birthday 08/24/1992

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  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    MBK T1000Echo UrbansKing Classic on ZHIKing ISO on ZHIV!Z Logic BarsHope cnc StemMiddleburn Cranks with ti bashRear avid ultimate, with coust cnc and avid sd7 leverBB7 with SD7 lever
  • Country

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    mountain biking

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BenLeacock™'s Achievements

Thats Enough Now Tart

Thats Enough Now Tart (8/9)



  1. Some of his best clips put together. Gona miss you mate sad.gif R.I.P x
  2. Some of his best clips put together. Gona miss you mate :( R.I.P x
  3. BenLeacock™

    Ben leacock teaser

    First video teaser on mbk! Cut all the ends off cause i wanted to use them in the full vid, edited really quickly :)Full vid this month :D <br />Been riding for 3 months
  4. BenLeacock™


    Damon Watsons un wanted clips.
  5. Really fancy another bike now..
  6. Has started to build a new bike :)

  7. Your ab's are just like any other muscle need time to rest! I do a 4 day split; monday: chest/tri's tuesday: Shoulder/abs wednesday: rest thursday: Legs friday: back/bi's Works pritty well, seen some decent improvements. I'll post it up sometime, need my ipod for my full workout, haven't got that on me!
  8. I now want a bike again twice as fast as i already did! That was very impressive!! top work
  9. BenLeacock™


    I play pretty decent level, our first team is in nation 2 north. Hopefully going to sail academy trials! Play 2nd row, or have played 8 at lower level!
  10. BenLeacock™

    Muel 7

    Yer looking good mate, defiantly a big improvement from the last video I saw off you, and im sure once upon a time you stated these to quotes to me; ''I will never ride a stock, there gay'' ''I would never ride a magure they are shit'' If only you had listened to me earlier haha!
  11. Looks good adam, does that mean theres a yabbaa frame for sale
  12. Looks really good mate, i'll get a new bike sorted and we will sort a ride fo'sho mate yer!
  13. Shop = www.tartybikes.co.uk Pics look good mate!
  14. Thats exactly same as what I used, clarks cable! Was awesome! Deore arms were still better
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