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Everything posted by scottkingsbury

  1. 18:12 mate thats the best gearing out
  2. its preety easy really just move your body and head in the direction you want to go , and it looks quiet gd if you can get a backhop in at the end
  3. i first got into trials when i rod my mates stock i realy liked it so i got 1 and have allways preferd stock as they are much easier ,but its really up 2 you its what u feel cumfortable with hope i helped(Y)
  4. what i did was first practice swinging the bike towards you and getting ur foot on then once u have nailed that try swinging the bike all the way round its much easier hope i helped mate
  5. as i said i run both a plate and a bash ring so its not exposed and is much stronger
  6. hi , im runnig a bash ring and a plate for extra strength , but my mate just runs a bash ring and they seem to be a lot stronger than plates hope i helped
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